Wednesday, January 11, 2017

David Lott, a founding member of the United Kingdom Independent Party, writes warmly of the cultural varieties and individualities of the European nations. He and his lovely wife recently have moved from France to their native England to be closer to family. - Glenn N. Holliman

Dear Glenn,

Here I am back in Blighty having left our life of ten+ years in France. I am a lover of the vibrant differences in culture within the human race. Would it not be infinitely depressing if all the shades of nationality, language, style, humour, history, colour and taste were blended into a single personality with an universal outlook upon a single faceted  life.  

Right, the pansies in Budapest, 2014

Do you not agree that not so long ago the cities of New York, London and Sydney were gloriously different but that now their characters have merged to such a degree that any one is much like the other? Their similarities grow whilst their singularity shrinks.

The fathers of the European Union intended a United States of Europe from the outset. This view grew out of the horrors of war and was sincere and principled as an intellectual solution underpinned by pacifism. But in order to turn an honest dream into a practical development it was decided that the ultimate objective had to remain secret from the people of Europe or it would never get off the ground. Overnight integrity, honesty and respect for all the differing nationalities was cast aside as the great project based upon an enormous deceit forged ahead.

Back in 1975, we in the UK, had a referendum upon our membership of this European Economic Community as it was officially known or Common Market as it was portrayed by the Remainers (as in remain in the E.U.) of the day. Those on the leave side protested that such terms were disingenuous at the very least and were camouflage to hide the real aim of full integration with a single EU government. They were mocked and pilloried but they turned out to have been right and the senior politicians of the day knew that to be the case.

At last all has been revealed and that deceitful referendum exposed and overturned. Nations across the EU are standing up to express their individuality. I find that thrilling, exciting and healthy. Perhaps Chancellor Merkel’s foolish invitation to millions of migrants, largely young males, was the last straw as she did not have the authority to impose this upon not just her nation but 27 others. She is not Chancellor of Europe or perhaps she thinks she is?

The little people of Europe are proud of their nation states and love their differing cultures and history. When they use this view to determine their own destinies they are called populist with contempt. The founding fathers of the EU forgot the people would one day cotton on to their plan based upon deceit and now the people are calling the shots and revealing the truth. The EU will unravel quite soon as a result of the peoples wills whether the current establishment incumbents like it or not.

In desperation, some opponents of the nation state would even abandon universal suffrage, sever the link of no taxation without representation just to hold on to a duplicitous dream.

The globalist agenda of the Clintons, Obama and the Goldman Sachs et al of this world ignore the peoples’ desire for government as close to them as possible rather than remote government upon a gargantuan scale which leaves the ordinary man or woman feeling utterly helpless. You are finding out in the US that the people described as deplorables have exercised peaceful democratic rights in order for their view to prevail. After all why should they want mass immigration if technology is to destroy so very many jobs?  

Left, the canals of St. Petersburg, Russian, not Vienna! 2015

The Russians did not rig your election. Did Democratic Party members not have the right to know that the DNC were attempting to rig the vote in favour of Hilary Clinton and against Bernie Sanders? Surely even the most avid Clinton supporter can see this was grossly unfair. This obsession with Russia is hypocritical as the US and many other countries dabble in the internal affairs of other nations, as Angela Merkel found, when her phone was hacked by an US agency. Regime change too has been much on the UK and US agenda. The most outrageous attempt to influence another country’s democratic vote was that conducted by President Obama during his visit to the UK when he threatened my country with dire consequences in the event of Brexit during our referendum.

The sooner the undermining of the election result stops the better as it gives sustenance to those totalitarian leaders in the world who refuse to budge when they lose an election.

I therefore appeal to all surly Remainers and upset Clinton supporters to get on with their lives and allow the will of the people to take its democratic course which is a perfectly normal state of affairs. - David Lott



  1. What a foolishly offensive thing to say that 'remainers' are surly.
    No we are not.
    We are just far too wise to fall for cheap nationalism.
    And we enjoyed sharing authority with our friends and colleagues in the rest of Europe.

  2. I read this in the ' Times of India' today!

    The quote is in the context of the bizarre British Foreign secretary Johnson visiting India to drum up a trade deal after brevet
    However, the issue of visas quickly surfaced with a senior Indian official saying "mobility issues are of importance to us; we cannot separate free movement of people from the free flow of goods, services and investments". And S Irudaya Rajan, an advisor to the Indian government on migration issues added: "India is an important country for the UK and curbing the flow of good minds, whether they are students or skilled workers, cannot be good for the UK."

    Something like 'Hoist by one's own petard' comes to mind.

    You could not make this lunacy up.
