Friday, September 30, 2016

Notes from South Africa

by Glenn N. Holliman

Recently my wife and I shared a table for a week during a crossing of the North Atlantic with two fascinating couples, one from England and one from South Africa.  Cruises are a wonderful way of getting to know unique persons who have accomplished much with their lives. It is a bit like 'summer camp week' for adults.

Barb and I have made many friends over the years, and thanks to the Internet, have been able to keep up a relationship and even to share time in their homes, and visa-versa.  Sid, a businessman from the southern tip of Africa, sent me the following notes earlier this week on his country.  When one thinks one's own country is in a slump or peril, it helps to understand that all nations have challenges. - GNH

How to Pay for Higher Education in South Africa

"It is good to see that our meeting has stirred your interest in my complex country. 

At the moment we are experiencing a shutdown at our universities as students protest under the banner of #Fees must Fall. As with most politicians, many promises have been made by the ruling party (African National Party Being the ANC ) regarding “free education” for all. This is not possible as our national budget is consumed by corruption, inefficiency, a bloated central government, government grants for the poor and our high cost of ARV’s to support a huge population of Aids infected citizens.

A capped increase of 8% was announced for fee increases in 2017 by the Minister of Higher Education linked to greater government subsidy of fees for poor and middle class students.

This led to increased violence on campuses and most universities are closed at the moment. It is a complex subject and unfortunately, there is a belief that without resorting to violence, insufficient notice is taken by authorities, so most ongoing protests will turn violent.

I will write more about the political parties that contest elections. We probably have at least 20 active parties, so much more of a multi-party state than USA or UK.

We recorded the first debate on CNN and Joyce and I will watch the debate tonight." - Sid

Thanks Sid for this first post.  We look forward to other insights.  Comments?

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