Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Notes from Oz (Australia)

by Glenn N. Holliman

Our Oz (Australia) correspondent, Stephanie McCarthy, provides some words after reading David Lott's latest column.  Steph, a biographer and great grand daughter of South Australia's first labour premier, makes note of cultural challenges in an every changing world.

My goodness, David’s ‘Full Circle’ is such an eye-opener for me, and I suspect any who reads it. But it does leave me despairing that America, despite a Hilary or a Donald led Government, will continue to force regime changes throughout the world whenever its interests are threatened, and thus bring hatred upon the USA and indirectly, upon all Westerners.

Steph's back lawn wonder of parrots at her bird feeder as spring returns to South Australia.

As for the mass migration into Europe and the seeded Jihadists, no wonder Trump and here in Oz, Pauline Hanson, get traction with their anti-immigration, anti-Muslim policies. I would say the majority of Australians, including myself, are fed up with the’ race’ card getting thrown at anyone who exercises their freedom of speech in warning against unfiltered, hasty immigration, either concerned at overpopulation or the issue of incompatible cultures living amongst us or both. 

We politically incorrect hard-hearted people don’t just get told we’re racist: we are told that our fears are unfounded and xenophobic. Well, letters to the editor of our major newspaper in my Australian state are proving that ordinary intelligent and educated people will not stand being muzzled any longer, and we are speaking out. Trump has a right to abhor ‘honour killings’, and Hanson has a right to express loathing of the Burka and all that it stands for.  

As for the ‘burkini’, there are ironies everywhere. To think that 100 years ago there were ‘beach inspectors’ patrolling and ordering Australian women to cover up on our beaches, and now many French citizens are demanding the Muslim women uncover and look more like Western women who lie partly naked on French beaches, while we in Oz are now covering ourselves more at the beach to protect ourselves from skin cancers! 

My personal opinion is that whatever allows Muslim women to join with westerners and swim is a good thing. At least this will allow all cultures to get to know each other as individuals in an activity that was, and still is in most cases, forbidden to Muslim women. 

 I’d love to know our readers’ opinion on this, and also what they think about the French Government having stuck to their guns re secularism and banned the burka in public places. 

1 comment:

  1. What lovely parrots. Need to start a breeding program in Normandy.
