Friday, September 30, 2016

Notes from South Africa

by Glenn N. Holliman

Recently my wife and I shared a table for a week during a crossing of the North Atlantic with two fascinating couples, one from England and one from South Africa.  Cruises are a wonderful way of getting to know unique persons who have accomplished much with their lives. It is a bit like 'summer camp week' for adults.

Barb and I have made many friends over the years, and thanks to the Internet, have been able to keep up a relationship and even to share time in their homes, and visa-versa.  Sid, a businessman from the southern tip of Africa, sent me the following notes earlier this week on his country.  When one thinks one's own country is in a slump or peril, it helps to understand that all nations have challenges. - GNH

How to Pay for Higher Education in South Africa

"It is good to see that our meeting has stirred your interest in my complex country. 

At the moment we are experiencing a shutdown at our universities as students protest under the banner of #Fees must Fall. As with most politicians, many promises have been made by the ruling party (African National Party Being the ANC ) regarding “free education” for all. This is not possible as our national budget is consumed by corruption, inefficiency, a bloated central government, government grants for the poor and our high cost of ARV’s to support a huge population of Aids infected citizens.

A capped increase of 8% was announced for fee increases in 2017 by the Minister of Higher Education linked to greater government subsidy of fees for poor and middle class students.

This led to increased violence on campuses and most universities are closed at the moment. It is a complex subject and unfortunately, there is a belief that without resorting to violence, insufficient notice is taken by authorities, so most ongoing protests will turn violent.

I will write more about the political parties that contest elections. We probably have at least 20 active parties, so much more of a multi-party state than USA or UK.

We recorded the first debate on CNN and Joyce and I will watch the debate tonight." - Sid

Thanks Sid for this first post.  We look forward to other insights.  Comments?

Thursday, September 29, 2016

A Note from Brexiteer David Lott

We continue to post letters, pro and con, on the British exit from the European Union.  The new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is attempting to do something that has never been done before; that is to separate a county, in this case her country from its 43 year union with Europe.  The United Kingdom Independence Party worked for a generation for the separation.  As most of our readers know, David Lott who pens his latest thoughts, was one of the founders of UKIP.  His words should be saved for future generations to understand some of the thinking that led to the British exit. - Glenn N. Holliman

Water continues rolling under the bridge
by David Lott

I am just back in France after a visit to UK partly to attend the UK Independence Party annual conference at which Nigel Farage took his leave as Party Leader. His speech was, as usual, outstanding and met with a huge ovation for his courage, spirit and steadfastness throughout his time as Leader and indeed during the years beforehand as we gradually put the Party together. There were also tears as he will be sorely missed.

He intends to continue to lead an international group of Members of the European Parliament opposed to the deeper integration within the EU and opposed to the mass immigration from Africa and the Middle East. He will be making a nuisance of himself helping those countries in the EU that are due to have referendums on various questions arising from EU membership.

The EU hardly needs much of a push from Nigel into oblivion; it is managing that quite well on its own.

In the East, Poland, The Czech Republic, Slovakia,Hungary and Austria are teaming up to shut off further immigration in direct defiance of Brussels and Angela Merkel.

In addition Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and Greece in the South are joining together as a bloc to defy Germany and the ECB (European Central Bank) in order to reverse the policy of financial austerity. Internal problems within Germany have seen disastrous regional election results for Frau Merkel, once the star leader in the EU, whose demise will resemble a supernova. She brought it upon herself with her arbitrary policy of welcoming millions of migrants into her country. In Denmark and Sweden the authorities are losing control of parts of the country with huge immigrant enclaves.

Kathy Lott and the family dog at the Foret de Cerisy near Bayeaux in Normandy, France.

I am not as optimistic as I was in my last note on Brexit. Prime Minister May has been likened to a submarine that disappears when the going gets tough. All I can say at present is that she simply seems unable to make up her mind and she is leaving us all, the EU, Business and the people of Britain in the dark as to her thinking. The uncertainty generated will damage us all. We need to know what her Brexit policy is aiming for. She seems to think it is a game of cards where she is keeping hers close to her chest. This is no card game and openness and transparency are vital for all concerned.

We Brexiteers are keeping a close eye on things and now under a new leader Diane James, the Party will prepare for electoral battle and our chances improve by the minute. The Labour Party is split and ruining itself, it is in favour of mass immigration and the EU so those voters who went for Brexit will find no home in the Labour Party. Theresa May’s hesitation upon Brexit results from a split Conservative Party on the question of the EU. If she betrays pro or anti Brexiteers she is on a hiding to nothing and Ukip has a great opportunity to hoover up Tory Brexit voters. So Ukip becomes ever more relevant.

We watch your US election with enormous interest. Nigel did tell me that he is receiving calls daily from the States to take part in the debate but I think he is resisting that. As for me any possible respect I might muster for Mrs Clinton evaporated when I saw film of her grinning waving both hands in the air after the defeat of Ghaddaffi and then she shrieked, “ he’s dead”. That is no way for a potential President of the most powerful country in the world to act, especially when the details of his disgusting torture just before he was killed came to light, an act that as Secretary of State she would have known about. So it is Trump for me and I hope he slays the over powerful banks and brings some new thinking to bring an end to the Syrian conflict together with a rapprochement with Russia. The US relationship with Russia is becoming very dangerous to world peace, and I cannot see Clinton lowering the temperature; rather the opposite. - David Lott, retired RAF, a founder of the UKIP

Comments always welcome....

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Ten Reasons to Look Forward...

by Glenn N. Holliman

The World is Getting Better, No Seriously....

Every four years in America, one party seeking power in the USA presidency, proclaims that the sky is falling and only 'they' can fix it.  In 1960 as a newspaper boy for the Florence, South Carolina Morning News, I often was late on my rounds as I would at 6 a.m. open the bundle of papers and veraciously read the front page trying to understand how young Jack Kennedy was going to get 'America moving again'.  Decades on, the rhetoric of the never-ending election cycle of this nation's federal political system is enough to make confirmed pessimists of us all, regardless of party affiliation.

One of my favorite reads today is The Economist, which must be the best magazine in the English-speaking world for reporting global events.  Their September 3, 2016 issue carried a book review which caught my attention.  Johan Norberg, a Swedish economic historian, has written 'Progress: Ten Reasons to Look Forward to the Future'.  Just reading the lengthy review can lift the depression of the most somber human being who believes the world cannot get worse.

According to Norberg, quite the reverse.  He delivers a flood of evidence that life on this planet in our time is, well, getting better.  In fact much better!  Here are his reasons:

1. In 1820, 94% of humanity existed on less than $2 a day, adjusted for inflation.  In 1990, 37% lived on this amount and in 2015, only 10%.

2. Almost all cultures are living longer thanks to better and more accessible health care, and the rise of technologies that provide clean water and indoor plumbing.  Louis XIV would be very envious. 

3. I.Q. points are increasing, at least in the USA from 100 in 1946 to 118 most recently.  Why?  More education and better nutrition.

4. Society is growing more tolerant of persons who look, dress and speak differently than the mainstream (yes, really for most part).  Acceptance of differing expressions of sexual identity has increased. And the caste system in India, which affects tens of millions, is decaying.

5. The world is safer.  No world wars since 1945, although lots of local wars.  Terrorism you say?  Norberg states an European is much more likely, ten times more likely, to die falling down stairs than to be done away with by a terrorist.

So there you have half the takeaways of 'Reasons to Look Forward'.  Yes, we have climate change that our higher I.Q. points need to address.  Yes, the inhabitants of this small globe must reduce religious fanaticism and local civil wars.  And so on, but....

This sounds like a cheerful read, and in this USA presidential election cycle, I need all the cheering I can get. - GNH

Comments anyone?

From a retired law school dean in Pennsylvania....

Encouraging book review, and I’m certain the book is as well.  The following entry by Garrison Keillor is also excellent, and explains (at least in part) why things appear so awful: it’s the Internet.

From a business man in the Union of South Africa....

Initial thoughts. 

My statistical bent. 2 Dollars living wage. Adjusted for real monetary value ?  (yes)

My emotional response. The good old days are more a result of selective memory then 
a true comparison of living conditions today and sometime in the perfect past. I still believe 
that the 1950' s was an era of good vibes and worldwide prosperity and unity but that comment 
can be pulled apart as Racism was still rife and woman were still regarded as good accessories.
Maybe not a bad concept.  

Cheers for now. 

From an European diplomat in serving in the Balkans....

Thank you for your uplifting message today. It is nice to read of the positive writings of a Sweden. Although the international security situation is far from steady at the moment, this article was a positive reminder of progress.

From a retired English professor at the University of Tennessee....

(My husband) agrees about The Economist.  It's the only magazine (not about fishing) that he reads regularly and thoroughly.

From a United Methodist Minister in Tennessee....

Yes, comment ... I'm wiping the mud and dust off my face as I crawl up out of my hole of political depression.

Thanks for the breath of fresh air!!!!!!!!!

Maybe Anne Frank was right ... you suppose?!

From a Cousin in Georgia, USA....

Interesting and refreshing. I have friends reminiscing about their halcyon times of the 1950's and 1960's,and wishing for the return of "The Good Ole Days". "The Good Ole Days"? I think, no, not really, they certainly weren't for everybody (see Viet Nam, social injustice, etc) Hindsight is always viewed through rose-colored glasses, or with 20-20 vision. 

Much like the author, I contend that right now, at this moment in history, these are  the TRUE "Good Ole Days". As an striving eternal optimist (though challenged on a daily basis) I believe things are not so bad as they seem. To paraphrase Dickens, we are seeing some "worst  times", but ALL things considered, we are seeing much more of the "best" of times, and they are pretty good. 

From a Musician in Orlando, Florida....

I give Donald Trump credit for all these improvements!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Garrison Keillor Writes....

My college friend, Dave McIntyre, a retired United Methodist minister who lives in Tennessee, sent along this column from the September 14, 2016 Washington Post.  With kudos and credit to Mr. Keillor, a national radio personality and all around 'common man' intellectual, and Dave, one of the nicest guys in the world, here is the opinion piece.  Keiller is the closest thing 21st Century America has to Will Rogers, the 20th Century humor personality and sage on current affairs.

As usual, I repeat, one does not have to agree, and other observations welcome. We are all sorting through life. - Glenn N. Holliman

Hillary has the good habits of a serious Methodist

by Garrison Keillor, Special To The Washington Post
Sept. 14, 2016

I saw Hillary once working a rope line for more than an hour, a Secret Service man holding her firmly by the hips as she leaned over the rope and reached into the mass of arms and hands reaching out to her. She had learned the art of encountering the crowd and making it look personal. It was not glamorous work, more like picking fruit, and it took the sort of discipline your mother instills in you: Those people waited to see you so by gosh you can treat them right.

So it's no surprise she pushed herself to the point of collapse the other day. What's odd is the perspective, expressed in several stories, that her determination to keep going reveals a "lack of transparency" — that she should've announced she had pneumonia and gone home and crawled into bed.

I've never gone fishing with her, which is how you really get to know someone, but years ago I did sit next to her at dinner, one of those Washington black-tie occasions that are nobody's idea of a wild good time, the conversation tends to be stilted, everybody's beat, you worry about spilling soup down your shirtfront. She, being First Lady, led the way and she being a Wellesley girl, the way led upward. We talked about my infant daughter and schools and about Justice Harry Blackmun, and I said how inspiring it was to sit and watch the Court in session, and she laughed and said, "I don't think it'd be a good idea for me to show up in a courtroom where a member of my family might be a defendant." A succinct and witty retort. And she turned and bestowed her attention on Speaker Dennis Hastert, who was sitting to her right. She focused on him and even made him chuckle a few times. I was impressed by her smarts, even more by her discipline.

I don't have that discipline. Most people don't. Politics didn't appeal to me back in my youth, the rhetoric ("Ask not what your country can do for you") was so wooden compared to "so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past," so I walked dark rainy streets imagining the great novel I wouldn't write and was still trying to be cool and indifferent well into my thirties, when other people were making a difference in the world.

Hillary didn't have a prolonged adolescence and fiction was not her ambition. She doesn't do dreaminess. What some people see as a relentless quest for power strikes me as the good habits of a serious Methodist. Be steady. Don't give up. It's not about you. Work for the night is coming.

The woman who does not conceal her own intelligence is a fine American tradition, going back to Anne Bradstreet and Harriet Beecher Stowe and my ancestor Prudence Crandall, but none has been subjected to the steady hectoring and jibber-jabber that Mrs. Clinton has. She is the first major-party nominee to be pictured in prison stripes by the opposition. She is the first Cabinet officer ever to be held personally responsible for her own email server, something ordinarily delegated to anonymous nerds in I.T. The fact that terrorists attacked an American compound in Libya under cover of darkness when Secretary Clinton presumably got some sleep has been held against her, as if she personally was in command of the defense of the compound, a walkie-talkie in her hand, calling in reinforcements.

Extremism has poked its head into the mainstream, aided by the Internet. Back in the day, you occasionally saw cranks on a street corner handing out mimeographed handbills arguing that FDR was responsible for Pearl Harbor, but you saw their bad haircuts, the bitterness in their eyes, and you turned away. Now they're in your computer, whispering that the economy is on the verge of collapse and for a few bucks they'll tell you how to protect your savings. But lacking clear evidence, we proceed forward. We don't operate on the basis of lurid conjecture.

Some day historians will get this right and look back at the steady pitter-pat of scandals that turned out to be nothing, nada, zero and ixnay and will conclude that, almost a century after women's suffrage, almost 50 years after Richard Nixon signed Title IX into law, a woman was required to run for office wearing concrete shoes. Check back fifty years from now and if I'm wrong, go ahead and dance on my grave.

Respectfully forwarded by:

Comments Welcome....

From a retired English professor at the University of Tennessee....

"For years, when a student asked how Hillary could possibly forgive Bill Clinton, I answered that she was actually a Methodist and didn't really have any other choice." 

From a Librarian in Virginia, a battleground state....

"Hadn't seen Keillor's article yet.  He absolutely nailed it.  Clinton is a work horse.  She doesn't do dreaminess.  She has that ingrained Protestant work ethic.  She's wooden on the stump, but I'm ok with that.  So long as she wins!"

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Terry Responds....

by Glenn N. Holliman

In the United Kingdom, the energies of government are absorbed with planning for the exit from the European Union.  The issues of migration, terrorism and the direction of future trade agreements among nations are at the forefront.  In this blog, we have presented the pros and cons of Britain's decision.  

The challenges of the early 21st Century in Europe are similar to those of the United States. The uneven distribution of wealth in a global economy and the mass movements of people for both economic and refugee reasons disturbing existing domestic cultures have produced stresses on six continents.

How we as fellow human beings occupying the same planet, deal with inept governments, over population, climate change and a more equitable distribution of goods and services will determine the coming history of this century.

Our regular columnist, Terry Fields, a retired English businessman, who has domiciles in both France and the United States, shares his latest thoughts. - GNH

I put pen to paper today in part on the subject of Brexit, and in part on matters of greater weight that have helped precipitate it.

To some extent, I really wonder at the value of writing anything at all in the face of the new brutalism, but anyway, here goes.

The note posted recently by your UKIP writer has, to my mind a rather unpleasant tone of triumphalism. Fellow citizens who are horrified - and they are horrified - by this event are unchanged in their feelings. The deep wounds can easily be detected across the journalistic piece in Britain. I would say that for the people who voted against this course of action, there is no quiet acceptance of the reality. It splits the country wide apart, as indeed it always has been, but the divisions are now patent in a new and quite raw way.

To suggest otherwise is untrue.

Firstly a few words on the rather odd economic claims made.

The as-to-be-expected perturbations as a result of the vote continue. Different elements of the economy react violently as uncertainty strikes. To suggest or imply a trend response here in exports, currency values, inward investment and political stability is naive.

There has ONLY been a vote. By a quite small percentage victory, but on a large voter turnout.  NOTHING HAS YET HAPPENED.

The assertion of knowing the mind of the Prime Minster from all public statements so far is a conceit that is unjustified.

To date, nobody has suggested other than disconnected ideas, in public, from the cabinet.  What one can confidently assert, however, is as follows.

The desire to control migration has been repeatedly stated by this Prime Minister. The 'Brexit minister' has asserted that there needs to be access to the single market.

These statements can be set against the repeated assertions of the most powerful politicians in nation states and in the Commission. The G20 repeated the position.

The Europeans have - repeatedly - stated that the four freedoms are not negotiable in terms of single market access. A few second and third rank politicians have suggested some softening of this, but they are powerless; and they look to upcoming European elections when they speak.

The British consider they can define their needs, and indeed Mrs Merkel has said they need time so to do.

That does NOT imply a willingness to meet those needs.

The threat of UKIP to destabilise the Tory and Labour parties has indeed caused the Tory government to have adopted a UKIP-light stance. To that extent they will attempt brinkmanship with Europe in pushing border and migration controls, but doing this will be bloody for the economy. Lack of single market access and its anticipation is causing a large number of financial institutions to plan off-shoring activities, if the worst case scenario - which looks probable - occurs.

The real danger is not crystallized. It involves separation, partial exclusion, competition from more powerful states who have since 1975 co-operated with Britain.

Many key industries - in a nation largely de-industrialised and relatively de-skilled, de-capitalised and badly dependent on a small number of vulnerable activities - may and probably will be severely damaged by the action of the reality of triggering Article 50.

When that happens, there will not be negotiations on an equal basis. The mechanism allows the remaining 27 states to offer terms. They are 460 million of them. An integrated, high value added power block that largely trades internally against a state of 65 million, that trades overwhelmingly externally, and half of that via the EU, and already in some distress.

Britain may then 'request' different terms, but many of those states- and remember ALL need to agree - will have NO interest in allowing a derogation of migratory and travel freedom whilst offering single market access.

The entire mechanism of Article 50 empowers the European Union. Not the exiting party.

UKIP and others repeatedly asserted because Britain exports less than it imports from Europe it has 'negotiating power'. This ludicrous assertion is at the superficial level, and when looked at more profoundly, a sort of inversion-of-realty insanity that has characterised the referendum debacle. Utterly lunatic. For reasons that the intelligent do not require to be repeated.

Of course, the more extreme in such as UKIP say they want 'free trade' and no single market. They say they will 'trade with the world'. I suggest this is the dreams of an imagined nostalgia of very old men.

Why? Simple. Financial tariffs are falling as non tariff barriers are rising.
Those barriers reflect the creation of the new power blocks, increasingly stable and distinct, and the reforming of the old power blocks.

The US is, under both likely presidents, going to be very much more restrictive in its import proclivities. As will the EU. As will and as is Australia and Canada.

Of course 27 countries wish to sell goods into Britain under better terms than the EU allows. This does NOT help a country which wishes to sell more abroad.

The UK could indeed be the world leader in 'free trade' since almost nobody else actually does it.

Free trade was not the economic history of Britain - that is a populist illusion. The reality was Imperial preference. And anyway, free trade only really works to your advantage when you are relatively rich in all forms of capital. A far cry from the modern British state.

It is a bitter irony that - as so many of the people who voted against Remain wished to be protected from globalising competition - real free trade as per WTO terms will pitch the entire nation into raw one-on-one competition against the cheapest, the most coerced, the most un-free, the most truly wretched peoples working in the harshest environments the globe has to offer.

As we leave a high value-added, high-welfare, socially similar power block, with extensive protection for citizens, as is found in the USA, the proposal is to range across the world, seeking advantage where it can be found, and with capital in massive concentrations elsewhere, and with passive populations capable of out-competing the British in terms of education, work-ethic, often intelligence, skill-levels, equipment and supportive local state power.

It is hard to imagine a more utterly ruinous and lunatic policy.  A policy right for 1860. Insane now.

Only the voice of the hordes of the uneducated, the racist, the resentful and the brutal, egged on by simple lies and quite disgusting poster-images - when added to the very many others who were confused, frightened and coerced - could have produced this perverse result. The 'high minded' ' get-our-country-back' types, in reality rode on the coat tails of much nastier forces to win this vote. And the effects are being felt in the race and hate violence rippling through the country today.

This event came about because of the interplay of forces compressing living standards. One of them, additional to the new economies, is climate change, as well as the explosion of the populations of decertifying Mediterranean states who in desperation come now to Europe if they do not drown in the Mediterranean Sea first.

Well water levels in many parts of the Middle East, two decades ago at two metres depth, are now found at up to 1500 metres depth. NASA reports an alarming rise in global energy in the form of sea and atmospheric heat, of a scale not seen for enormous periods of time.

Of course, the deniers will say 'elites'. Just as another catastrophic populist said 'when I hear the word intellectual, I reach for my gun'.

And the response of the UKIP leadership? Let us turn Brexit into Clexit!  The folk who denied the value of the intellectual elites of the world. It also applies to climate change, it would appear. If science is a problem, deny it. If science gets in the way of other prejudices, set it aside, or modify its conclusions.

I watched the appearance of Farage at the Trump rally. Unlike the UKIP offering in these columns, I considered it to be as ill-mannered, unjustifiably triumphalist and inappropriate in a foreign country as it could have been. But of course a large number of people will have fallen for its almost messianic certainty and commanding confidence.

Rather like an equally unpleasant eruption of spleen emitted in the direction of the European Parliament. Many liked it. Many did not. I am in the latter category.

As to the background to this now universal instability in Europe and the United States, it is worth spending a moment to reflect.

The easy life of the West is over. The resource over-consumption, the horror of the coming change in climates across the planet, the immense overpopulation of human beings on the globe, the destruction of habitats and species across the planet, the dreadful reality already experienced in many places, and the vast competitive leveler of the new manufacturing states, the largest of which has most of the characteristics of a slave state, together with the exhaustion of the reserves of western capital left over from the western hegemony, do call for new strategies.

Far flatter income differences between citizens. Strategies of co-operative endeavour in the old high-income world, a move from consumption to technology shift, population management, concentrated urbanisation, an agricultural and distribution revolution, highly developed healthcare and well being management as man is forced to live less and less in the previously open and 'natural' environments where happiness could previously be obtained.

In all of that, the last thing needed is the perversion of looking to a past that  was - as described by the Leave campaign - never actually experienced, and in reality is a dream manufactured by perverse marketers with very dark motivations indeed.

The disconnected part-working, part-educated, part-functioning, left-aside in the rush to globalisation, are a central issue here. The matter of greatly improved social management is, as a result of the vote, a clear priority. In addition to providing sustenance and support to the 'excluded', of a scale never before thought to be required, the ruling elites are no doubt considering how to emasculate the supply of false and distorted information, and how to re-establish the authority of intelligence, previously made safe by the operation of representative democracy, opportunistically emasculated by Madame May, now under direct and violent attack by the forces of mass populism.

Under Madame May, the UK is not at present participating in this. But she is mortal, and will leave the scene one day.

I hope the rest succeed in their endeavours.

'The people'. The cry of Mao, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, and now more recent contributors.

And it always ends in tears - precisely for 'the people'. As it will for Britain. A great pity, particularly for its to-be-imprisoned young people.

Brexit may be a hiccup for the world, whilst potentially being a disaster for the best of British.

I would suggest Trump would be a full scale global myocardial infarction.

Terry Field, September 2016

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Notes from Oz (Australia)

by Glenn N. Holliman

Our Oz (Australia) correspondent, Stephanie McCarthy, provides some words after reading David Lott's latest column.  Steph, a biographer and great grand daughter of South Australia's first labour premier, makes note of cultural challenges in an every changing world.

My goodness, David’s ‘Full Circle’ is such an eye-opener for me, and I suspect any who reads it. But it does leave me despairing that America, despite a Hilary or a Donald led Government, will continue to force regime changes throughout the world whenever its interests are threatened, and thus bring hatred upon the USA and indirectly, upon all Westerners.

Steph's back lawn wonder of parrots at her bird feeder as spring returns to South Australia.

As for the mass migration into Europe and the seeded Jihadists, no wonder Trump and here in Oz, Pauline Hanson, get traction with their anti-immigration, anti-Muslim policies. I would say the majority of Australians, including myself, are fed up with the’ race’ card getting thrown at anyone who exercises their freedom of speech in warning against unfiltered, hasty immigration, either concerned at overpopulation or the issue of incompatible cultures living amongst us or both. 

We politically incorrect hard-hearted people don’t just get told we’re racist: we are told that our fears are unfounded and xenophobic. Well, letters to the editor of our major newspaper in my Australian state are proving that ordinary intelligent and educated people will not stand being muzzled any longer, and we are speaking out. Trump has a right to abhor ‘honour killings’, and Hanson has a right to express loathing of the Burka and all that it stands for.  

As for the ‘burkini’, there are ironies everywhere. To think that 100 years ago there were ‘beach inspectors’ patrolling and ordering Australian women to cover up on our beaches, and now many French citizens are demanding the Muslim women uncover and look more like Western women who lie partly naked on French beaches, while we in Oz are now covering ourselves more at the beach to protect ourselves from skin cancers! 

My personal opinion is that whatever allows Muslim women to join with westerners and swim is a good thing. At least this will allow all cultures to get to know each other as individuals in an activity that was, and still is in most cases, forbidden to Muslim women. 

 I’d love to know our readers’ opinion on this, and also what they think about the French Government having stuck to their guns re secularism and banned the burka in public places.