David Lott, retired RAF and airline pilot and one of the founders of the United Kingdom Independent Party, provides us a snapshot view of his take on the coming critical referendum on June 23rd. Citizens of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland will be casting ballots on whether the United Kingdom shall remain under the umbrella of the European Union. The fate of David Cameron's government and, perhaps the fate of Scotland remaining in the United Kingdom, ride on the outside of this difficult decision on the part of the British peoples.
Those of us reading this outside of Europe need to be paying attention. Ultimately the future of European Federation including the Euro are factors that should concern the world.- GNH
David Lott writes:
At last we seem to be
creeping ahead in the campaign to leave the EU. Two things have happened that
have put the Remain camp on the defensive.
Firstly real policies
are emerging for a post Brexit scenario. This has always been a difficulty for
us Leavers to get across because we fight as representatives of the people but
have little in the way of elected politicians and so have a manifesto that is
not given the time of day by the media.
Depending on one's view, the sun is either rising or setting over the English Channel. This view from David's lush garden.
Thanks, however, to
the deep divisions in the Conservative Party, a core of senior ministers in the
Cameron Government have produced a post Brexit Manifesto, and it has solid
credibility primarily as one of these Ministers will almost certainly become
Prime Minister in the event of a Brexit vote.
At last we can
put meat upon the Brexit bones in the fields of economics, trade and
immigration, security and indeed sovereignty, all of which are at the centre of
the debate. What is gratifying for me and my colleagues in the UK Independence
Party, who have put much thought into this over the years, is that our
solutions are being enthusiastically trumpeted by Ministers in Cameron’s
cabinet that are campaigning to leave.
This change has
started to shift the polls in our favour already. As the public start to see
our vision of freedom from the EU straight jacket, it becomes exciting and
thrilling to contemplate. That our escape will spark a new dynamism I have no
doubt and more citizens are beginning to see the picture.
The second major
change is that talking about the question of security and immigration has
become acceptable and the prohibition of moderate sensible views by the use of
political correctness has disappeared.
We really do have
genuine fears about the capacity of our health, education and housing
capability, in the face of unlimited EU immigration, to cope. The safety of women in
the nation when Europol tells us there are 5000 Jihadis already in Europe and still
more and more coming as the EU’s, Angela Merkel inspired, open invitation to
one and all pour in at the rate of thousands a day.
But Jihadis are not
the only problem as we have a terrible record in the UK of the grooming of
under-age girls by Pakistani immigrants on a truly industrial scale. Add to
that, 30,000 cases of Female Genital Mutilation in London alone.
On the
continent Germany had the terrible abuse of women at the Cologne New Year
celebrations, dreadful attacks and rape of boys and women in Austria and women
even dyeing their hair to avoid molestation in Sweden.
Women are becoming
fearful and this too has started to sink in as women put their families first
throughout the land.
It is becoming tense
as we approach the finishing line and the passion and conviction of those of us
who wish to be free and independent, just as you in the US, drive us forward.
It is very tight but we are starting to open up a lead. We can win and are
beginning to really believe it! - David Lott, a citizen of the U.K. sojourning in France
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