Monday, June 27, 2016

Brexit Fallout

by Glenn N. Holliman

Comments continue to tumble in concerning the issue of the British Exit from the European Union and the tremendous political and economic upheavals that have followed. These are listed as they have arrived. Several have written twice. I offer them to you for 'reflections while reading'. - GNH 29 June 2016

The comments concerning the British Exit vote from the European Union have been many and largely on the fearful side. Here is the latest from some of our readers. I have had to edit comments due to the length of replies and to keep this blog manageable. - GNH

From a Librarian in Virginia USA....

Well said, Terry.  I fear that Britain has played right into Putin's hands.  This is the first of a series of dominoes that will weaken the West.  I have a deep sense of foreboding about this.

From an USA Judge for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania....

Too much history and too many factors to really understand goings on in the western world, but lots of gripes are being expressed--at least, for the present, through the ballot box--for the present.  Maybe the "anointed " haven't listened. 

Yeah, sad. Really.  Wait a day or two and buy some stock.

Right, the blog writer with friend Peter Smith, far right, of Bedfordshire in Swinford, England inspecting the graves of two Mitford sisters - Nancy and Unity who were on opposite sides of the political spectrum in 1939, another time of European crisis.

From a Disgruntled Englishman....

I am British and live on the continent. You are correct. The British hide - or hid - the vicious social, cultural and economic divisions that have existed there for many many years. It is, in reality, a viciously nasty place for the majority of the population to live. It became too much for me and I left.
The contrast with the continent is palpable - despite the economic difficulties here, There is much social 'solidarity', more adult behaviour in politics, and a lack of the vicious racist and xenophobic bitterness that is part of the currency of life in Britain. The damned 'battle of Britain' is lived there every waking day. It is pathetic.
The British diplomats are clever, the media is sophisticated, and maybe this blinded you to the very nasty reality.

I am ashamed of my country; I am reminded of the Germans waving eagerly at the man who spun a myth of dangers and then spun another myth of simple solutions.
This referendum was a hot, sweaty, nasty nationalistic dream-fest.
Reality will be hellish. It is tragic. But terminal for the British state, and the perspective of the world on Britain.
Beware when you next see Trump's bucolic face, and hear his childish mind.

From a Retired Educator outside of London....

Dear Glenn
I’ve not found the time to read everyone’s contributions but as a passionate European I am heartbroken at what has happened.  I do not know of a single educated person here who thought we should leave Europe.  So important a decision should not be put in the hands of the masses.  One newspaper called it “a reckless gamble by David Cameron".  Now it looks as if we will be faced with the break up of the United Kingdom.   The fact that Donald Trump has applauded Brexit surely says it all.  I am ashamed to be English.
Best regards

From our Writer in Australia....

Dear Glenn

As an antipodean (i.e, from afar and knowing little of trade agreements between countries) I still reckon that LEAVE was the way to go, but perhaps not if I had known that Scotland and Northern Ireland had the right to remain in the EU and if they do so would consequently render the UK into an FK (‘Fractured Kingdom’!).

Left, Steph's friends in her garden.

I always thought that the entire UK was voting as one island, as it were. If Scotland breaks off from the majority vote in the UK, then all the control that the LEAVE people wanted will be badly undermined.  And as for the REMAINERS claiming that the LEAVERS were basing their decision upon emotion rather than pragmatism, I suspect that all those countries who have been forced to virtually open their borders, or who have willingly opened their borders, must be financially affected adversely. 

Of course immigrants take jobs - why wouldn't they? And as for the argument that they are prepared to take those jobs that the Brits refuse to do, just tighten up the social security net. Hard decision for Government to make, but I believe that currently it is ridiculously easy for people in Britain to take advantage of huge welfare benefits, especially encouraging them to have more and more children. All this must change, or Britain will go under. 

The same applies to Australia. We must keep control of our borders. We must be allowed to decide how many and who are admitted into this country. And there should be no incentives to breed, as there was with a mad baby bonus a few years ago in Oz, thought up by a very Catholic PM who didn’t even consult with his ‘team’ over it. This little globe is now dangerously stretched to its limit, and I selfishly want my patch to stay clean and green and comfortable for many years yet, so that my great grandchildren won’t be living in a place where dog eats dog. And I’m quite sure, whether you’re Terry F or David L, whether you’re Boris or David C, whether you are Catholic or atheist or moderate Muslim, this is what you want too. It’s the ‘how’ of it that no-one can agree on.

The close outcome leaves Britain divided sharply no matter which way the vote had gone. It’s a bit like the close contest between Trump and Clinton – no matter which one makes it to the Presidency it seems that the crevasse between the two ways of thinking is irrevocably too wide and too deep for any kind of united thinking ever again.

All I can do is to superstitiously cross my fingers and toes and hope like hell that the sky stays up for a while longer.

From a Remain Voter in the English Midlands....

Dear Glenn

We are now over the initial anger, but remain in a state of disbelief that some 52% of our compatriots voted to flush down the toilet, the very idea of a united Europe, taking with them, around the U-bend, our economic future. Not one of our colleagues, friends or family voted to leave, so who in hell are all these small-minded xenophobes?

We remain devastated. Presumably the Bexit people are bricking it, because they have no plan. 

We don't want to belong to an isolated nation, and, were we 47, rather than 67, we would unhesitatingly emigrate. Currently, Scotland looks like an option, because, with 62% of Scots having voted to remain in the EU, there is no reasonable argument for not letting them secede from the vestigial UK and joining the EU. The rest of the former Union would become, we guess, Wengland, or perhaps Engwales.

Right, New Years Eve, 2015 at Stoke-on-Trent six months before the vote!

It’s a nightmare, and we hope that we shall soon wake and realise that it’s not true.

This morning, my bank refused an order for Euros. Happily we have €275 in stock. We shall be in France on Monday, so we must hope that we can get some more there (market traders aren’t keen on credit cards!)

We are adrift, off the coast of continental Europe, in a sinking dinghy, fuel running out rapidly, with no life-vests and no-one sufficiently caring to come out and rescue us - and we, for two, can’t blame them. Don’t blame us, though - we are of the 48% who voted in favour of the EU.

From an Educator in Tennessee USA....

Glenn, this is fascinating…and downright scary, now that Brexit has actually happened.

From our Leave Supporter, David Lott....

Dear Glenn,
Do take a look at this comment upon this observation entitled "Five Days after the Referendum".
The instruction from the people to the Government to leave the EU at the referendum last week is already being treated with contempt. I have lost count of the times I've heard a young person complain over the last few days that "You've stolen my future" by voting to leave the EU.

They need only to look at 
GreeceItalySpain and many other areas of the EU to see unemployment at rates of around 40 to 50 per cent amongst the young. Some might argue that this is due to the failed euro currency, but if we'd voted 'Remain' we would also have had to adopt the Euro in the not too distant future. 

Even in countries nearer to ours in matters of economy and facilities, such as 
France or Germany, it is nearly one in four unable to find work and, by extension, 'a future'. Record levels of immigration mean getting a job, home, children into school, a health appointment, just moving around and so on are much more difficult.

Laws and freedoms dating back centuries, and once taken for granted by every freeborn British person, are vanishing to be replaced by 'diktats' and EU Regulations. And so the question is "What future" had we stayed in the EU?

There is a real effort within the Government, Civil Service – now politicized and all the broadcast media to undermine the will of the people. By ignoring this plebiscite they ignore the message they have been sent. It is a message that far transcends the single issue of leaving the EU. They sneer at populism which displays their arrogance and contempt, they use the same venomous language that some pen to insult us. The Remainers in the debate hectored the people, the Leavers remained positive and calm. The result; a revolution without blood.

I cannot understand these sore losers, can they not see that all we demand is to behave as a normal independent country in our own interests. Can they not see we are sick of PR and spin substituting for performance. It appears they cannot. As a result they are signalling more of the same and that simply will not do.

The vote to leave crossed Party lines and new associations and friendships formed.  I, for instance, attended a meeting addressed by a Labour Councillor and it was superb. I could work with him comfortably and our UK Independence members at the meeting agreed and mixed and worked in harmony with those of different party members of all age groups, social class, town or country, employee or business men and women.

The rumble of change is growing louder, we are sick of unfulfilled promises, failure to deal with reality, our country full to bursting with little forward planning for public services, corruption in politics and corporatism along with wars and lies.

If you will not change then we shall replace you. That is just how big this peaceful revolution will be.  

Right, the blog writer in yellow with David White, a retired RAF Group Captain, admiring the English country side of Buckinghamshire. 

From our Remain Voter, Terry Field....

The leavers asked nonsense about the funding of the healthcare system.They now retract it. The leavers said they could set up better trade deals for Britain.Not with Europe now, not with the USA now, and there are 50 race deals internationally to reconstruct and Britain has almost no expertise here. The leavers incited foreigner loathing, a series of posters that were disgraceful, and now we see Poles and others attacks in the streets and told they will be deported. I have never heard such gross bullying of reasonable alternative arguments.

The EU has major problems, but outside is worse for Britain, and the Germans and French will use the Commission as a blunt instrument to dictate terms. There will be no scenario whereby Britain saunters into the room and tell Europe what is will accept. The reverse will apply.

The lie about closing down migration has already been backtracked by the amoral little chancer Boris Johnson - why? Simple - if the UK insists as such, there will be a default out of not just the EU single market arrangements, but outside the EEA arrangements. That would be ruinous for Britain. its credit rating would collapse, and it would not be able to utter a budget.

My comments are not insults - they are objective reality, as is now being reported hourly. 

The warnings were in fact too light. The currency values and the stock values of debt exposed businesses such as banks has collapsed by up to 41%.

Goldman is warning of a mild immediate recession, but the downgrading of the credit score will hit debt refinancing of the 1.7 trillion debt progressively over the years.

The unpleasant reality is that the UK has exposed to the word its xenophobic exclusiveness.
It has suggested to a world of large powers that they must look on with baited breath as Britain breaks are to wed them in connubial trading bliss. How lunatic a hubris is that?!

The argument put forward earlier that the financial falls are the result of 'speculation' and powers who engineered advanced knowledge is cot true - why? Many hedge funds lost big time on guessing the out-turn, and the gains, by those like George Soros resulted from a simple understanding of reality, economics and market behaviour.

Yes, David correctly identified ironic social failure in Europe, and dreadful democratic deficit there also. BUT the solution is not to do what Mr Soros suggests - pull the edifice down like Samson, but to remain and force change

If Europe collapses to a set of small European states, it will be in spite of the powerful work now being undertaken by the US to avoid that. Shattered Europe give Russia massive potentially violent opportunities.

And as for competing with India, China, the USA, it would be game over.

The Germans will be kind to us - after 1870, 1914-18, 1939-45?!?!?!? We threaten, directly, their long range strategy.

Britain will be the subject of vituperative responses once it announces that it is leaving. For all their failures, the EU powers are massive, and they will go for the jugular, to corral the others, and as revenge for the almost continuous political cowardice in Britain, whereby the local political incompetence in Britain is covered by blaming the EU. 

As I type, Wales says it wants independence in a federal structure, Scotland's First Minister reiterates Scotland will not tolerate this exit; and they will leave,

As for new political groupings, it is truly nauseating to see the level of political prostitution taking place as the rats shift their position in order to save their incomes and tinpot status.
At present there are 490 PMs of 650 who favoured remain. They see the abyss clearly. Will they be corralled to vote through the auto-castration?
The entire civil service believes this is a lunatic move to catastrophe. Should they not act accordingly.

The referendum is advisory to government; The Commons and the government should, and may, fully look at this. There is terror at the prospect of invoking Article 50. I share their trepidation.

Who knows.

Some people will do absolutely anything for money and power.
And as for the economy, this decline to poverty will be a slow burn over decades - just as the communist decision in 1945 to nationalise the major industries resulted in progressive recapitalisation and total failure by 179 when Margaret Thatcher said to hell with the state subsidies - and they all went belly up. BUT it took 34 years. This will be the same.

I well understand David's position, respect it, disagree with it, respect and like him. But I am truly revolted by many of the creatures who have agreed to leave, and my country looks to the world to be, in my view, a really rather nasty place.

Farage said it is a triumph for decent people.  This indecent one could not disagree more.
Kind wishes to you both.

From a Remain Business Woman in Glasgow, Scotland....

Deep sadness here, could not believe what I was hearing when we heard result on Friday morning, still in deep shock, unsure what is in front of us.

We were lucky to be home before the pound dropped.  Fingers crossed for future and we hope no more referendums but can't count on that now.

Left, the sturdy stone walls of Scotland south of Glasgow.

From a Pennsylvania Barrister.....

Glenn.    Very interesting.  Note the hatred of the Establishment. I am reading Jeffrey Rosen's new book on Justice Louis Brandeis.  He was a Jeffersonian who hated bigness in the corporate world and in the political world.  The second chapter of the book is called the "Curse of Bigness."  Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all could return to Jeffersonian America or to Victorian England when things were smaller and everyone knew their place.  Oh, well.

From an Alabama Cousin....

The actions of voters in the UK, has inspired an Alabama Representative to Congress, (R) Mike Rodgers, to introduce a bill that, if enacted into law, would remove the United States from the United Nations.The fact that  Trump endorsed Brexit, even though he doesn't have a clue what it really means, should make every Brit nervous and concerned. To this American with English roots, it just seems that the real reason for the exit from the European Union has nothing to do with economics, but sadly, racism, and/or  xenophobia.
till taking stock after the referendum

Again from David Lott reflecting on the Reaction to the Leave Vote....

The Leave vote reverberations continue around the world in the first week following the UK referendum. Whilst I am surprised at the level of horror by the losers, and they are very sore indeed and I can understand this. It is, after all, the globalists first defeat after decades of growing 'successes'.But what they regard as success is not universally supported by any means. The world has become a very unstable and more dangerous place as the West, driven by the US, interferes internally in country after country. I love the US, its people, its variety and energy but their leadership is appalling. 

You were sorely injured with the 9/11 attacks and properly wished to avenge the dead and make the US and the world a safer place but you have signally failed to do so and the dead and deprived swell by millions.

Economic success for the individual has shrivelled and suffered after a disastrous recession as a result of bad judgement by the housing lenders and their enormous backers: the six great banks egged on by politicians.

Democracy itself is a shadow of its former self. There are many people for whom 'democracy' means 'what I want'. Cheating is no longer considered a bad thing, whether in football or Treasury modelling.  

Gordon Fanthom reminds us of Pitt the Even Younger in Blackadder's famous 'Dunny-on-the-Wold' by-election: "I smeared my opponent, bribed the press to be on my side, threatened to torture the electorate if we lost; I fail to see what more a decent politician could have done."

Pitt the Even Younger and his self-regarding mates are still whining after the referendum that 'old people' have 'robbed them of their future'. We should point out on this anniversary of The Somme that their great-grandparents gave their young lives so they could live in a free and (relatively) honest democracy.

In the UK  we have the startling spectacle of a 'petition' to over-rule the referendum, which has been signed by 3.5 million 'people' from more than 100 countries around the world, including Antarctica. As Freddy Vachha points out, it was being signed overnight at the steady rate of 47 names per minute. So who is behind this petition?

Democracy has indeed been badly wounded by those who support globalism. In the US Bernie Sanders appeals to those who have been left behind by the globalists and he has come close in the Democratic primaries. Donald Trump has succeeded in the GOP primaries and pulled in millions of those who formerly did not vote at all. They felt ignored by the elites, as their standard of living was diminished by the importation of cheap labour by the politicians and mighty corporations who finance many election candidates. Brexit, Sanders and Trump followers demonstrate cross party unity against globalisation.

A massive shift is taking place in western politics and it might not be too grandiose to proclaim that Brexit may have saved democracy in the nick of time. I am indeed amazed at the potential of our success to change the West for the better. A small group that included a young Nigel Farage started all this 23 years ago and our aims were limited to the UK leaving the EU. We seem to have started something much much bigger. 

From a Leave Resident of Guildford south of London....
I think there will be ups and downs before we stabilise but the stock market always has its panics, and then revives.  If people just carry on as normal, normalcy will be more likely to prevail.  
Europe has to make changes but I think the politicians may try to use us as an example to the other members to push them to remain compliant.  The immigration laws are just unsustainable.  Britain is tiny compared to the other economically sound nations.  We can't continue to add half a million people each year without suffering serious problems.   
 For most educated people who voted out, it's not a racist issue, but one of practicality.  Immigration is good as long as it's controlled.  If the amount of people allowed to move freely was proportional to the size of the country, that would be an answer.  If the countries all had equally vibrant economies, then there wouldn't be an issue.  But you don't see too many Brits wanting to move to Latvia, Bulgaria or Hungary!  Something has to change!!!
This election has had more ugly emotions expressed than any I've ever known. If the practicalities of migration had been better dealt with, we wouldn't be in this situation.  Liberal people wouldn't be attacked for being 'racist' and those who are racist, wouldn't be feeling free to be vicious and abhorrent.

No one knows what the future will be.  We don't know whether it will be bad for a long time or become good for a long time.  When we get some leadership here, then things will begin to move forward.  That's the next battle.  
I truly don't understand what's happening in the Labour Party.  Crazy timing. Jeremy Corbyn was pro-Remain and much of the Labour movement was too, so I don't get why they're pushing him out.  They claim they need better opposition to the Conservatives, based on how he performed in the Referendum, but that vote wasn't a Party-line vote.  Confused?  Yes!

Comments welcome as financial and political history continues to unfold.....GNH

Sunday, June 26, 2016

The United Kingdom has Voted and All is not Well

by Glenn N. Holliman

When I opened this space for commentary, I had no idea a quite extraordinary event would occur in the United Kingdom, but I think last week many of us felt the financial world shutter. By a vote of 52% to 48% citizens of the U.K. voted to leave their 42 year old membership in the European Union. A prime minister who bet his leadership and party on a Remain vote is now resigned, his legacy in tatters. The Labour leader may go, and the pound has slipped to a three decade low. International banks are discussing moving to Berlin. New investment in the U.K. is probably on hold, and leaders in Scotland and Northern Ireland are mumbling about removing themselves from the United Kingdom.

This seems to be a case study in unexpected consequences for many Britishers. Where all will end, one cannot tell, but there is no doubt global markets are shaking. Will the already world economy slip into a collective recession and may the E.U. further disintegrate? Have the western nations entered an age of nationalism where walls replace gates? Will European states cease to cooperate and again compete, and lose the feel of collective security?

In this blog, two competing views. We have the previous articles by David Lott, a founder of the United Kingdom Independence Party and a leader of the Leave position, and Terry Field, reluctantly but fiercely defending the Remain position. Other comments emailed this site will be published in the next blog. - GNH

First David and his immediate thoughts Friday morning, 24 July 2016, with the results counted.

We did it. We won the referendum. For me victory was very sweet. I first started campaigning for this day over 22 years ago. For many years it took my time and treasure for what seemed little return. But little by little we made progress and at last we have won the battle of the ordinary people versus the Establishment, politicised bureaucracy and mega business with it's hordes of lobbyists in Brussels.

I think our story has much to teach younger cynical people. Pure determination, integrity, passion and belief glued together by immutable persistence have overcome a corrupt, tired and deceitful ruling class. What a grand story that anything can be achieved if you just try hard enough.

Over the next couple of weeks the massive impact of this decision will emerge. The short term financial reaction is interesting. Exit polls were forbidden but the great financial institutions conducted their own in secret and from their results the made a killing. The polls closed at 10 pm but at 9.50 pm the price of gold started a dramatic rise, sterling fell and bank shares took a huge hit! All this before the first result came in from one small constituency at midnight. I am sure many in the mega banks are wallowing in profit. 

Equilibrium will be restored quite quickly in the markets as much of the immediate instability was down to the big boys enjoying manipulating them.

The other immediate fear is of a UK break up as Scotland and Northern Ireland voted against the trend and in favour of remaining in the EU. In Scotland, their political leader Ms Sturgeon talked of responsibility in the immediate aftermath of the vote and then stirred the pot by announcing there would be a second Scottish Independence referendum in order to stay in the EU with rule from Brussels. Some Independence! 

However she is trapped within the EU because she cannot win a referendum. Why, because in the 2014 referendum in Scotland the oil price had not collapsed and the sums just about added up for economic survival and they thought the relationship with the Westminster government would underpin a Scottish pound pegged to the Pound sterling. 

The EU Commission in Brussels made it clear they would have to reapply for membership and that would mean joining the Euro.The Scots will never vote for the Euro whilst it remains in crisis. Spain will veto their membership in any case as their fear breakup with Catalonia desperate for independence. So Scotland cannot leave for many reasons. In any case there may not even be a European Union to join!

Northern Ireland is different as Sein Fein has always worked towards the unification of Ireland and their former terrorist leadership, sees and is seizing, an opportunity to achieve this. The main fear of the Northern Irish is the question of open borders with the South and that this will be lost when the UK leaves the EU which could mean the  creation of border controls. It would also mean adopting the Euro which again is unpopular. 

The Leave campaign made it clear that there could easily be a bilateral arrangement to keep the border open which would be especially easy if we were to have the same access to the EU market as does Mexico. In other words a free trade agreement.

So I do think the integrity of the UK is not in question and all we have here is a bit of opportunism. Before the next election, probably in 2020 we shall be free to do our own thing just as any other normal country. 

We now have our own Independence Day - June 23rd that we shall celebrate for as long as we can foresee. How truly splendid. - David Lott

And now a very contrary opinion from Terry -

I am not just sad.

This is a catastrophe; a catastrophe for what was left of permanently declining Britain, a catastrophe for other than the naturally fascistic mob, a catastrophe for the hopes of the sensitive and the intelligent, the high-minded and the educated since the British so foolishly decided not to join the coal and steel agreement in the 1950, and sneered in their declining imperial faux-arrogance at the ideals embodied in the Club of Rome.

It is a disaster for the future relevance, scale, significance and moral worth of Britain.   

Scotland will go - they overwhelmingly wanted a European future. Northern Ireland will probably do the same, and unify with Eire. 

The young in England will live their lives imprisoned there.
75% of the young voted to remain.

Their idiot parents voted with their prejudices and absurd dreams of a reconstruction of their imagined past. 

This is in part a reaction of the mob to the present downturn, of New Labour's social experiment with totally unconstrained immigration, of the decamping of the hordes who had voted Labour into the arms of the National Socialists-light.

There are vast numbers who wish to move to Britain. The French concession in Calais of having British customs on French soil will very probably end, and the Europeans will scour the continent for anyone who may wish to be a migrant going to England.

A huge number could end up in Kent. Maybe many hundreds of thousands.

As for cultural cooperation, mutuality of a shared future, forget it.  We have rejected them. This is personal, nasty, direct.

Bitterness will abound. State recriminations in Europe will be severe to try to stem the tide of others such as the Dutch and the Danes and the Swedes to have their own referenda.
Personally, it may become very difficult indeed. I wish to remain here, and the idea of being corralled back to the Island I spent so many years trying to escape from is distinctly uncomfortable.  (Terry and his wife Fina have a farm house in Normandy, France.)

I anticipate considerable difficulties; the mutual healthcare arrangements will probably not survive. pensions will cease to be inflation indexed and the value of both investments, and their yields in Britain will be badly affected. Our legal right to remain may not survive this. 

There is over one million pensioner Britains living in the EU. The UE may well wish to rid itself of their burdensome presence.

Thank God I bought the US condo, a dollar denominated asset. Bought at pre-collapse rates.

Mr Cameron has announced his resignation. He will be replaced by a squalid self-seeking petty nationalist. This nightmare is only just beginning.

Now Britain will, finally, decline to the point it occupied before the accession of Henry VIII.
An insignificant, divided, poor, isolated unenviable place, with a population at war with itself, bitter, unstable, and for very many indeed, devoid of hope.

This is a good day for the shire Tory, the man brought up on arrogant privilege; a good day for the unintelligent, industrially educated, unproductive and venal, who think that kicking out the European work-competitor will restore their unjustified comfort.

In the mid 18th century, our first prime Minister said, in reference to another stupid mob action, ''They are ringing their bells, in six months they will be wringing their hands''.  I pinch myself in disbelief.

To offer up the future direction of a once-great state to the deliberations of the stupid, the ignorant, the ill-educated, the blinkered local, the venal, the lovers-of-the-populist-leader, in replacement of the wisdom of a developed representative democracy. 

The campaigning has been textbook fascist thuggery. Political assassination from the whipped-up hate and rage. If I can I will change my nationality and wish I had done so a very long time ago. A day I did not consider to be probable, despite the howling mob. - Terry Field

I think I shall leave it right here for now.  A number of you have sent comments which I shall post, probably tomorrow, in a new blog.  The opposite opinions of the two very decent and knowledgeable men - David and Terry - capsulize two very different views of European civilization.  History, as always, will tell us who has it right. But in the meantime...your learned thoughts welcome. - GNH

Monday, June 13, 2016

Yet Another Mass Killing

by Glenn N.  Holliman

Comments have been tumbling in this morning reflecting on the horrid killings by one person in Orlando, Florida.  Fifty are dead and over fifty wounded by an assult rifle and pistol.  The victims were gay and lesbian, and shooter an Islamic American, born in New York and living in Florida.  Below is a serious, thought proking piece from David, an Englishman in the Midlands of his gentler country. - GNH

"Dear Glenn: 

Your gunophilic nation has been and gone and done it again!

I've just listened to a bizarre, but only too predictable interview on BBC Radio 4, in which one of your politicians said that the Florida mass shooting was 'not about guns', but terrorism. 

She went on to say that, not only because of your 'Constitution', but because of his job, Omar Mateen was entitled to carry guns. His job, to which she refers, was that of a private security guard: the principal weapon which he used was a 'AR 15' semi-automatic assault rifle, and there are, it seems, 3.3 million such weapons owned, legitimately in your country. 

Here, in the UK, deemed by your government, to be unsafe for visits by US citizens, because of the threat of terrorism in Europe, we cannot imagine why a 'private security guard' (not normally regarded as highly trained in or skilled at anything) should be licensed to carry any sort of firearm, much less a semi-automatic assault rifle. 

We are even reluctant to allow our police officers to bear arms, and when we do so, it is only members of highly-trained specialist firearms units who are so licensed. 

By all means arm the military, in time of war, but to arm the whole population all the time, is simple madness.

So, Omar Mateen was motivated by his distorted view of his God and his religion, (to get evil men to do good is fairly easy: to get good men to do evil needs religion) but what about the 372 perpetrators of last year's mass shootings, in which 475 people were killed and 1,870 wounded? 

Terrorism? - I should say so, but only in the literal sense of the word - it's the very fact that the man walking toward you in any street in the United States, may be carrying a firearm, which should inspire terror in anyone endowed with common sense. Whatever one's motivation for a violent act, if one does not own, and would find it really hard to obtain, a firearm, through, say, the criminal black-market, the worst that one could do spontaneously, would be to stab, slash, or beat. Unrestricted access to assault rifles raises to a whole new level, the opportunity for serious mass violence.

The motivation is irrelevant. It may be simple hatred (of gay people, of surgeons practising abortions, of fellow-students, of people of other, or no religious belief, of immigrants, of .....  you name it); or having had a 'poor home background'; or belonging to a neglected minority group; or being mentally ill; or having a 'bad hair day'. 

However, if you don't have an assault rifle and haven't thought far enough ahead to build a bomb, you're not going to kill or maim 100 or more people. Obvious, no?

Yours in despair

From a librarian in a southern USA state comes the following:

"Hey, it's another great day for the 2nd Amendment!!  So glad that the Republican Party will do whatever it takes to defend my right to buy and carry military grade weapons in public areas!   Let's not focus on the fact that toddlers who stumble upon handguns kill more Americans a year than terrorists.  (While we spend how many billions fighting terrorism?!).   So great that people can bring loaded guns into a public Library, but I have to ask them to leave if they talk on their cell phones!  Thanks NRA!!"

Terry Field also has written from strike torn France.  He emoted about the coming British vote, probably to leave the European Union, and then closed with the following:

"The horror in Orlando is ISIS inspired, albeit by a psychologically damaged person. That - I imagine - will not matter. It will almost certainly propel Mr Trump into the White Cottage.  What do you think Glenn? These are dark times, are they not?"
And so, stepping outside of my role as a recorder, I venture an opinion, not all my feelings certainly, but a response to Terry's 'dark days'.

"Dark times?  In an era of instant communication, something dark is brought to our attention that happens every day on this globe of 7 billion souls, a percentage of them tortured and willing to cut short the lives of fellow humans.  We are a spinning bit of sand in the solar system in a massive galaxy in a 13.7 billion year old universe.

Something Shakespearean grabs me from time to time, about strutting on stage and then like a candle, winking out and leaving scarce a footprint behind.

Sigh...and now the right wing in America will grab a new dose of fear and run with it.  Never mind the madness since the 2nd Bush administration of allowing these awful weapons to be sold to civilians.  Let  people have their guns for shooting ranges, a hobby I understand, but leave them locked up there.  As our laws are now written, we cannot keep them out of the hands of insane killers, just impossible.

Well, as to Britain, it looks like a close vote...many of the same forces of migration and increased integration of laws of commerce and justice seemingly 'threaten' the nations of Western Civilization.  Certainly that fear of a 'federal' government in some far away place is an issue in Yorkshire as well as York, Pennsylvania.  Part of this is a human's desire for freedom; part of fear of the 'other' that seeks to control elements of one's being.

So I mow my lawn, sweep debris from my cluttered barn and some days try not to study the news too closely.  This too shall recede into the fog of time.  But in the meantime families mourn, and an increase of fear and unease is the substance of our days."- GNH

From Down Under....
Dear Glenn

I have a new and radical idea to reduce global emissions which are threatening mankind’s future because we are such clever little bunnies at reproducing and have massively overpopulated our poor little globe.

We arm every man, woman, and most importantly every child with an automatic weapon.


Cynical Steph

From a thoughtful cousin, retired United Methodist Minister in Alabama who states even Alabama does not allow guns in libraries as does Virginia. This piece was emailed to Charles by another pastor.

Brian is the Senior Minister at the Trinity United Methodist Church which is
just down the street from where we live. He is a young man, 43,
extremely bright and a gifted preacher. I think you will appreciate his
message. Charles F.  (I agree Charles, well worth reading. GNH)

"Spent the day after church yesterday in the car with the family, driving
south through Florida, listening to coverage of the Orlando shooting.  I am
probably too quick to post thoughts on here, so it may have been a blessing
to all that I couldn't juggle Facebook and the steering wheel at the same

I am ever so grateful for the diversity of my friends on Facebook, as
frustrating as it can be during an election cycle.  Whenever something
polarizing occurs (we seem to be on a 20 minute cycle these days), my feed
becomes a very big tent, with one stake just to the right of the right-hand
side of the folks who feel Fox News is too liberal, and the other side
touches down in the Noam Chomsky Vegans for a Better Bernie Book Club (the
venerable NCVBBBC).  As a pastor, I've found that just about everybody
assumes that I agree with them.

These divisions are important, of course, but as others have said much
better than I can, in the forward-before-you-think world of social media,
our energies fuel our opposition to one another, rather than meaningful
dialogue.  We have more words, and more access to each other, yet we've used
these tools to effectively shut each other out.  I'm more convinced than
ever that the problem is not just that these point-and-shoot binary
conflicts don't capture the complexity of the issues, but that years of
engaging one another like this has made us dumber.  This is how we think

There are so many levels to what happened in the wee hours of the morning in
Orlando.  There is the troubling connection to religion, both to the
misguided faith of the shooter, as well as the religiously motivated
discrimination against LGBTQ children of God by Christians.  Christians are
never given the luxury of thinking one life is less valuable than another.

There is the pain carried by the Latino community, not just for this
unfathomable tragedy, but that the country built by immigrants does not know
how to talk about immigration without descending into fear of the other.

There is the gun debate that goes nowhere, with well-intentioned folks on
both sides of the aisle, quibbling with one another, while the bad guys
continue to buy AR-15s easier than they could renew their driver's licenses.

There is the terror spread by a handful of evil people, whose best victory
is not measured by lives taken or bombs detonated, but by the suspicion
they've sown in us, the growing mistrust we have of the world and each
other, even though you are still more likely to be killed by an asteroid or
a ladder than a terrorist.

But underneath all these layers, there are 50 people--49 victims and a
shooter--whose lives have been cut short.  There are families with aching
holes that cannot be filled by prayer or sympathy or news coverage or even

For my part in this big tent of disagreement, I think the very least
we can do to honor them is to decide how we will understand their unwilling
sacrifice.  If they have died only to feed our fear, our mistrust, our
systematic ignorance of one another, then let us go ahead and hand the keys
of the world to the bad guys.  But I've got to think that people in this day
and age with the courage to be openly gay, and to gather with friends to
dance and sing and enjoy one another's company, would not want their lives
to feed that kind of fire.

Evil will not be defeated by a quiet news day, because the truth is, even
when it does not rise to the level of our awareness, senseless violence is a
constant in this broken world.  If we want the world to be better, we must
rise up in these moments and decide Who we serve.

Whenever we stand for one another, because we realize that these arbitrary
differences are not what finally define us, evil loses.  Whenever we choose
to engage those on the other side rather than lobbing another Facebook
grenade, evil loses.  Whenever we decide that this hour is ours, that no one
better is coming to fix the world, evil loses.

According to my own narrow worldview (that has its own minefield of
limitations), the last word will be "Amen."  Until then, there will be
suffering and senselessness and sacrifice, but that is no excuse to step
aside and let the darkness have its way.  We live now, we speak now, we act
now, because we know what the last page of the story looks like.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with all the saints.  And let the
saints on this side of that veil unite our fragile voices to tell evil that,
no matter how hard it tries, it will lose.  And we are taking back the hour
we've been given.

Amen, and amen.