Emanuel Macron is President of the French Republic
Nothing can change now. He should be known as Little Macron.
by Terry Field of Normandy, France
Because LePen was the bogie he could easily beat, and his support came from those who hate him slightly less than Le Pen.
In retrospect, I should have stood against Le Pen, and offered Crepe Suzette to each French person cooked by the chefs in the Elysee.
Brigette and Emmanuel Macron
I would have won. A monkey could win against Le Pen.
In what world then is this real legitimacy?
Similarly in Britain where the very inadequate Mrs May will win ‘big’ as they say in Texas (or in the films of Texas I have watched) because she is a safe version of the populist Farage – but more particularly because Corbyn is so utterly hopeless, and Labour is a historically spent force.
Parisian city sophisticates are now in a rapture of ecstasy. The New Man of Liberal dreams has triumphed. It was interesting to see the body language at the Arc de Triomphe.
Little Macron and Hollande were close and together. Both state socialists. (Macron’s marketing department told him to dump the word ‘socialist’ and run under ‘En Marchant’.) A name that means nothing other than movement forward? A Blairlike level of banality hiding continuity.
So – Little Macron and Hollande - A love match of the flabby old and the taught new. Beyond that, no real difference.
But that is not a trivial relationship. Macron is an ENArc graduate (Ecole National D’Administration), as are most French rulers, and he has made a few million with venture capitalists and suchlike.
He is clever, erudite, full of concepts, idea, potentials for action.
That is two a penny in France.
They are ALL like that.
They ALL plan extensively.
They ALL have grandiose future strategies.
And damn all happens.
Haha – I see you!
France is like an 18th Century English country house. The garden around the house is lovely. Beyond is a Haha – a decorative ditch that cannot be seen from the house, but which separates the wild outer countryside and the fields containing the beasts – bulls, cows, piggies, sheep, - from the decorative grounds of the garden.
The animals can be seen from the house, as a sort of rural decoration, but they are physically separated from the elegance of the house, the pleasure of the garden. Inside look continuous with the full landscape, but it is not. They are both entirely separate, one from the other.
Paris and the big eastern cities are the house and garden up to the Haha.
The rest of France is the decorative wilderness beyond.
That is accentuating, not declining. Little Macron can and will do NOTHING to change this.
The Hun is at the Gate
( actually, it bought the gate, fitted a lock, and opens it only for a fee)
The new French President has said that he wants a new relationship with Europe; that he wants a pan-EU ‘conference’ (or even more than one!)
And why does he want these ‘conferences???? The same, pathetic old reason.
France is bust. It has a German currency (the Euro) it cannot sustain and wishes not to see its economy progressively hollowed out.
It is in the SAME condition as the rest of weak, fractured, agrarian, and semi-agrarian unproductive Europe. It is no partner for Germany. But Little Macron thinks it is. He really thinks Germany will do his bidding. As did the last series of French Presidents, with less and less success.
Germany grew and grew, as all knew it would.
As Margaret Thatcher – by far our greatest British post-war prime Minister - well understood and feared. She tried to stop it. She saw what Germany would become.
As Kissinger said, Germany – ‘too big for Europe, too small for the world’.
French President Sarkozy made repeated attempts to get Merkel to share bond issuance, budgets, capital spending and other integration economic activity. Merkel always, robustly, refused.
Germany has progressively bought the French debt. France has issued its own debt on terms it could never get if Germany were not, in effect, a co-guarantor. In other words, Germany controls France.
It controls the financial landscape of Europe. It has not forgotten its efforts to integrate and dominate Europe, in 1870, 1914 and 1939. It is liberal propaganda to suppress the reality that Germany continues with its project of control and domination n Europe. I am not being neurotic in saying this. It is simply as plain as a pikestaff.
Clausewitz said war was the prosecution of normal civil objectives by other means.
The tool of warfare is simply replaced with the Commission, financial domination, structural direction from Berlin. Now the traditional means have been applied and continue to be applied.
The lickspittal Juncker of the Commission transparently does Germany’s bidding.
Germany is unchanged; it is the same place. It remains the same country, with the SAME geopolitical interests.
It acts accordingly.
France thought it could control it; for a period after 1945 it seemed able to do so.
Thus France has become what it always HAD to be – a vassal state. The populist rebellion in France against the drift to the cities leaving the country behind, plus globalisation and the intolerably powerful currency German that overburdens it will receive a minimalist response from Germany via Little Macron.
Germans will offer just enough - in their assessment – to stop total social meltdown in France. And that will be it.
In return, there will be a fast track European integration, as a very fancy marketing ploy, with France Germany, Holland, Poland (don’t forget lebensraum) maybe Denmark included but that will NOT be with a commonly - controlled financial structure.
Power will continue to concentrate in Berlin; only it will be masked from sight for the mass of the European population.
And why all the coming subterfuge?? Again, simple to see. If Germany were to share its wealth with the weak others, Germans would revolt, and there would be, at the minimum, a cancellation of the apparent sharing – and there may be a full-scale German revolt and a German exit from Europe.
There is always a place for a cow-pat
The same applies in reverse with France.
Europe is in a vice. It is being crushed by lunatic energy policies, lunatic border access policies, lunatic imbalances in trade, and France is the most politically and socially naïve and dysfunctional society in the developed world.
To illustrate the corrupted opportunistic absurdity of France post Little Macron, in less than 48 hours, the previous Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, declared that the socialist party (his party) was now ‘dead’ and he would seek to stand for parliament under Macron’s new party banner.
This is typical.
France will pick its legislatures with corrupt, inward-looking placemen – tatty opportunists - but they will work assiduously to stop any real change that Little Macron wishes to propose.
For those of you outside the UK and Europe who know of the sectarian divisions in Northern Ireland, expand this level of structural failure, call it France, and you have a good picture of the reality.
Let them eat cake (or Brioche, Pain au Chocolate, Tuilles, Mille-feuille) – anything to divert them from comprehension.
Below, French cakes in Paris
Below, French cakes in Paris
Little Macron cannot succeed, since the financial structure that enriches Germany will not be modified. The established abusive orthodoxy that so revolts David Lott – and rightly so – will continue almost unchanged.
Germany will continue unaffected with its lapdog, the European Commission, a regrettably fundamentally undemocratic power-broking horror – there to enforce its will.
The correct description of Europe being in a structural depression will continue. Vast numbers of the excluded will have no more hope.
Other than rebellion.
Macron was elected because Le Pen had a gory press image, but consider her actual program proposals:
1 Scrap the Euro after the French vote so to do.
2 Leave the EU structure after the French freely vote so to do.
3 Control borders.
4 Act against murderous terrorism.
All of the above are reasonable and probably unavoidable anyway.
The assault of the media simply treating her as a ‘fascist’, or a ‘holocaust-denier’ was
the only commentary, and it was relentless.
SO let me make myself clear here.
For the purposes of formulating rational economic and social policies I have NO interest if the proponent of said rational policies has a problem with the holocaust. I loathe that denial, but I do not care about it. It is a matter for the past, but the crisis in Europe – in France – is a matter for NOW.
Her approach to protectionism is ludicrous. Petit Macron is right about that, and Europe trades about 75% with itself, so there is NO place for national protectionism. But there IS a place for a state leader in Europe who says that redistribution to the skilled working poor, the semi-skilled working poor and the unskilled working poor must be accomplished to take the sting from globalisation.
Germany has done that by balanced budget redistribution. France has spent 30 years of degenerate socialist politics doing nearly all of it by state debt issuance.
Hence France is bankrupt.
Hence Germany is not.
This is of axiomatic significance and ALL policy discussions with Petit Macron and his Euro-conferences will centre around this fact.
In addition:
France retires at 60!
Germany at 67 and up.
France does a 35 hour maximum, Paris works 30 hours a week – the least in the world!
Little Macron says he will not change the retirement date.
Because France is an irrational, potentially ultra-violent powder-keg. Any real assault of labour conditions would provoke such a revolt it would be – and it has been tried before by DeVillepin ( the one-time Prime Minister) – stopped in its tracks by riot and afray.
Macron will do a bit of cosmetic labour law changes. That will be it.
He has said he will preserve the French social protection system.
This system, in reality impoverishes, hollows out work, encourages idleness, forces youth unemployment, destroys viable businesses, supports the idle liberal elites in the cities. It destroys the countryside.
It is a lunatic hangover from an imagined liberality that sprang from a bloody horror of a revolution.
Maybe France is unable to change, except by extreme street violence.
The national debt in France is absurdly high. Petit Macron says he will reduce the civil service and state employees by about 10%- when it is already 11 times the size of that in Britain, a nation lf similar population, slightly larger GDP!
SO -more of the same.
But he has been made to smell fragrant by the presence of Le Pen and media distortion.
Here we go again round the Muberry Tree! All good fun for you and me!!!
I will write the future here.
The EU will continue cosmetically tidied up.
Germany will appear to offer something, but in fact offer nothing.
France will be subjected to a media campaign and diversionary nonsense to appeal to the natural fascistic and nationalistic tendencies rife in France. To that end, Britain will be attacked and such as the Le Touquet agreement will be scrapped.
Kent will be awash with migrants. The ‘frogs’ will laugh at the ‘rosbifs’
There will be police intervention to control the Muslim population in France. But the police and the internal military are extremely stretched already and the rate of illness amongst officers threatens cohesion and viability in some areas of the country.
One can only police potential killers for so long without becoming seriously unwell.
It will not stop the killing but that will abate as the Middle-East slowly comes under order. If that does not happen, French people will continue to die.
There will then come a point when the country erupts into extreme inter-communal violence – unless Macron does what his opponent has long suggested.
France has two communities effectively at war with each other.
The media lies about it, suppresses it. But it is nonetheless true.
And on. And on.
The nasty reality will be more failure, decline, fracture, poverty, deindustrialisation and internal rage and resentment. The political tribes loathe each other in France as in no other advanced state.
Petit Macron will, in all probability, usher in full-blown fascist dictatorship.
Be careful what you vote for.
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