Thursday, November 3, 2016

Entitled Trust

David Lott, a retired Royal Air Force and commerical airline pilot, has written often in this space.  It is important to understand how your own country's foreign policy is viewed by another well-read person on the other side of the Atlantic.  In these pages, one does not have to agree, but I maintain it is valuable to stop and reflect and consider another point of view.  Civilized discourse is critically important.  Comments welcome of course. - Glenn N. Holliman

I suppose I am one of the underclass as described by various Marxists, the ‘well educated’ and your correspondent Frank Schaeffer. I am certainly no member of the establishment defenders of the status of the status quo. I ask too many questions for that to be possible.

The last note I wrote which Glenn kindly posted for me was entitled Truth. I think this one should be entitled Trust.

The analysis of the people who voted for Brexit or will vote for Donald Trump or indeed any of the so called populist parties in Europe is flawed. These people are not ignorant or even easily led.

Indeed many have been looking for leaders for a long time. Some say they are the left behind in a society that is changing fast. Or that they yearn for the old values of the past and today is for the young not the middle aged and old but they are none of those things. Put simply they have lost trust in politicians, bankers, media, administrators, the police and nearly all forms of very big business.

Where does this underclass fit into the establishment world? In a word it doesn’t. They are treated like sheep but they are not sheep and will not behave like sheep. The foolish Establishment shepherds try to herd these non sheep. Their dogs are the Goldman Sachs, George Soros, the CEOs’ of Facebook and Google and pliant politicians all over the western world.

Let us take a look for a minute at foreign policy, purely as an example, to identify why many of this ‘underclass’ do not trust their leaders. The USA succeeded the British Empire nearly a hundred years ago as the most powerful nation on earth. It had a loathing of colonialism as a result of the causes that led to the birth of their country. This was proper and reasonable. However over the years the enjoyment of power has corrupted the powerful. It always happens does it not?

Today the US has forces in over 70 countries. It encourages regime change whenever it feels it should in the interests of the US; sometimes bloodily sometimes with only a nudge.

Has the US won a single war since WW2, I’m not sure I can think of one. Britain has obediently followed the US lead nearly all the time. In recent years it has become increasingly difficult to understand the purpose of these wars. The mess just widens and widens and now Russia has been drawn into the US wars. Perhaps that was always the intention. Here in Europe whole nations led by Sweden are losing their identities as a result of the western created upheaval in the Middle East and North Africa and Angela Merkel’s personal decision to flood the EU with migrants quite without authority from those most affected. Even President Duterte of the Phillipines has had enough of US intervention.

Think for a moment, what are the ghastly terrible thoughts of some of the following victims of regime change in the moments before their deaths. The homosexual about to be thrown off a building, the three year old about to be thrust into a meat grinder alive, or the hostage lined up with others to be shot in the back of the head by a boy or have his head savagely hacked off, or the woman in the process of being stoned to death. Do please endeavour for a moment to imagine their anguish in your own mind. It will make you sweat and you will be doing a wonderful service to them.

US and UK leaders refuse point blank to acknowledge any responsibility whatsoever. They deny that regime change was ever a policy, but the hounds of the Baskervilles were mild compared to the horrors resulting from UK/US actions. The piteous cries of those I listed above are simply not heard. The regime change in Libya  was a perfect example of hypocrisy. Russia opposed intervention in the secular totalitarian State. A state where women were emancipated and the health system was excellent and Christians protected. Then Russia relented and approved a no fly zone at the UN Security Council provided it was not used to enforce regime change. The regime was attacked and destroyed and Ghadaffi killed. The Secretary of State then cried, “we came we saw and we won, and HE IS DEAD”, followed by a cackle. Our politicians are as deaf on such issues as is my Labrador when she is hot on a scent.

In field after field we have to submit to lie after lie. In the early days we believed but today we most certainly do not. The founders of the EU back in 1948 acknowledged they could only bring about a United States of Europe through lies deceit and dissimulation. Only recently did the penny drop with us in the underclass that federalism was at the heart of the European project. Now the project becomes more grandiose with globalist policies, which move democracy further and further away from the individual, the family, the town and the nation state.

However loud we cry we are not heard. We are told we are divisive but who created the division? Why the deaf of course. At the moment, against the odds, we are making progress and let us all hope that democracy allows a peaceful outcome. But remember that unless you listen to us, these so called sheep will inevitably grow fangs. From trust will spring reform and kill off corruption. It is not a lot to ask is it? -

David Lott, a founder of the United Kingdom Party


From the English Midlands - 

Dear Glenn
Here, in the post-referendum-UK, there is a delicious irony, in that those who campaigned to leave the EU were determined to regain the sovereignty of Parliament and to retrieve English law from the clutches of Brussels. What has happened? The High  Court has ruled that Article 50 cannot be enacted without an Act of Parliament. Thus, in one fell swoop, the Brexiteers have had two of their wishes granted, and immediately, they cry foul, claiming that insistence BY ENGLISH LAW, on the SOVEREIGNTY of Parliament, is going 'against the wishes of the people'.

It is reminiscent of your Trump refusing to accept the election result, if he loses.
Yours aye

1 comment:

  1. The last paragraph sounds like a threat. Do what our group wishes, or we will bite you. There are no other views worthy of consideration.

    No thank you.
    I am comforted we have an effective police force.
