Monday, October 3, 2016

Response to the UKIP Note

A Response to the Latest Article on Brexit
by Terry Field

The previous article concerning brexit is well argued, and is honestly presented as a justification for the most radical change in European political life in my lifetime. It also presages a change in the life of my country that promises to make a new experience of being British.

Jewish people say that to save a life is to save the world entire. Why? because within us dwells the reality that we know. The reality that I know of my country lives within me, as it does in the writer of the previous article.

But those realities are far from being the same.

Terry views the memorial at Sword Beach in Normandy, France where his father, a British mortar platoon officer, came ashore at 10:30 a.m. on D-Day June 6, 1944. His father crossed the beach, and Terry was born five years later. Every other man in his father's platoon failed to make it over the bloody sands that fateful day that would mark the doom of Nazi Europe.

Much as I understand the honourable motivations of the writer, I reject that as a characteristic of many others who have achieved this result

I would like to comment on the note; the last part of the note should be dealt with first.

The sentence beginning with 'The US relationship with Russia is becoming very dangerous to world peace' is itself constructed to remove responsibility by Russia for the relations the entire Western world has with it.

It is constructed to criticise the United States. I consider that offensive, misleadingly offensive.

Only such as Diane James, the 'leader' of a party  like UKIP could say  she favourably regards Putin, whose air-force at present has decided to attack with a variety of ordnance, reported fragmentation bombs and thermobaric bombs directly on a large populated city and murder vast numbers of children, women and innocents incapable of defending themselves. Only a 'leader' of a party such as United Kingdom Independent Party can say she favourably regards the leader of a country whose actions have been so excoriated by the Secretary General of the United Nations and every other Western state. The 'temperature' in the cellars of Syrian cities bombed from the air by Russian jets, with carnage dealt out to vast numbers is certainly high; and Clinton has had NOTHING to do with that.

Few politicians express high regard for a Russian leader whose country is presently accused of committing war crimes. But the new so-called  'leader' of UKIP has recently done so.  That tells you nearly all you need to know about judgment, maturity, indeed savoury or unsavouriness.

Russia has plainly decided to go for broke and bomb the Syrian opposition into submission, since it knows the world considers it to be a repulsive regime, and since it has been given a free hand, not by a violent and aggressive American power, but more by a power presently unwilling to extend its hand, more concerned to remain at one remove from a region it had previously, arguably, been far too active in.

Now for the calamity of the brexit opinion poll.

It needs to be put on record that vast numbers of British people do not regard the former UKIP leader Nigel Farage IN ANY SENSE favourably. Many - very many indeed - consider him to be bombastic, offensive, CRUDE AND DISTORTING in his simplification of subtle matters, and pleased that British state agencies are reported to be investigating his statements and actions during the referendum.

That he can be wept over illustrates a sort of personality cult following, the kind we have seen in other countries, and at other times. And the outcomes there have been less than desirable for the acolytes, and indeed their entire populations.

I anticipated a complaint that the new unelected British junta would not be acting on the opinion poll at breakneck speed. No surprise there.  Plainly the Tory party, and much of the Labour Party (but not its present leadership) fear the loss of votes to UKIP in the poor margins of the country.

It sells nationalism, certainty, closing borders to all but tiny migration, and appeals to the sorts who are usually - and I would say properly - ignored. 

Mrs May has been told by all the core businesses, traders, manufacturers, investors, financial institutions, bankers, insurance companies, Lloyds of London, re-insurers etc etc, etc, that a 'hard brexit', of the sort argued for by the UKIP true-believers, will cause an evisceration of activity, income, tax-take, investment and employment in Britain. Action of hard brexit will cause a long term, slow burn collapse of future prospects to an already very weak and dysfunctional country.

She knows this. the majority of the British cabinet knows this. The House of Commons knows this, the House of Lords knows this, the British civil service knows this, the best minds in the country know this.

BUT vast numbers of the dull, the resentful, the excluded, the silly, the bitter, and the naively hopeful and economically failed DO NOT know this.

For them, life is a simple matter of leave, trade under World Trade Organisation rules, (They do not know or much care what that means, but they are not put off by ignorance) put £300 + billion p.a. into the British NHS after the 'dues' to the EU are stopped (Don't laugh, they really believe this nonsense). It has to be true, does it not, since the Holy One stepped out of a bus with it painted on the outside during the referendum 'campaign' - didn't he?!?!?

Any surprise a government is unsure how to approach the administration of a more-or-less catastrophic action??

The British government suggested it could ramrod the exit through without regard to Parliament. That proposition is now going to be heard before judges.

There is a possibility that it will be required to be put to a vote.

Why does this UKIP - light Tory junta (unelected, simply 'appearing') fear a vote on brexit in the House of Commons?

Simple.  It would fail.

Most Tory party members, and the vast majority of all other parties consider brexit poison for the future of the country. I consider that to be correct. That said, Theresa May indicated today at the Tory Party conference that she would push through a ‘hard’ brexit in order to ‘control’ migration. I think the party will fall into line. Representative democracy is suspended today.

The difficulty is that few, at present, have the moral fibre and guts to face down the creature that is UKIP. I hope that that changes quickly.

The observation is made that 'In the East, Poland, The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Austria are teaming up to shut off further immigration in direct defiance of Brussels and Angela Merkel' 

The problems in Europe are, as I have repeatedly said, dreadful. It is being crushed by global forces and emerging powers, a lunatic currency gamble, dead socialist ideology, and German terror of the past. 

Add to this the desertification of the Mediterranean basin, coming together with massive population growth there and inevitable war, plus a surge of strangely welcomed radical Islam into the continent. 

All this threatens social order in Europe, but not because of the pressure of people on the land. Europe and Britain are over 500 million. In large parts, it is an aging population and needs young workers. And to survive it needs to understand that there is a binary choice concerning migration - accept them, integrate them and build a newly-shaped society, or exclude them, and watch them die by the million.

I do not know what the correct action is, but I DO know that the countries cited here have a history of poverty, communism, revolution, slaughter of significant parts of their populations, mass ethnic cleansing, blood and mayhem.

Of course these new accession states, unstable, reject migrants. They are full of the enduring pain and hate they have so often displayed, and that is understandable, whilst many have suffered under the Muslim yoke in previous centuries and memories are long indeed.

But their actions to frustrate migration by the desperate is not other than mean, tribal, rooted in a deep and unsavoury past.

Britain, under fear of the forces of nationalism, does the same - it will not even take in the children from camps it agreed with the UN to accept. Mean-mindedness everywhere is in control, and none have the guts to face it down.

Europe is still emerging from the Hitler period, and it is slow, painful, and faltering. Of course, the new right wing forces can move to destroy the present structures, and return to atomised national 'tribal' gatherings - of the sort UKIP is pushing for in Britain.

It may be that the EU cannot continue with the present attempt to integrate the eastern states; but a destroyed EU would make an already failing European civilisation become terminally moribund, incapable of confronting the great power groupings.

Poverty and disorder on a scale not seen since 1945 would result.

The UKIP Chosen One is doing the rounds of the disaffected European states, attempting to foment further revolt, and he may succeed. Nationalism is a potent force; to resist it in times like these is all but impossible. The presence of a messianic demagogic character can be a powerful catalyst.

I would not be surprised if the UKIP dreamscape does not come to pass. After which, Britain and Europe will be a part of the world to be assiduously avoided.

I never dreamed I would see this horror unfold before my eyes, but I ignored the potential of those who wish it.

I would like your overseas readers to know that there are still many British like me who attach to other values, civil values, Christian values; we love our neighbours, welcome them, are pleased to see freedom not national jails. And we are pleased to have lived in a time when the European civilisation had a chance to become a better and whole place.

Be clear.  We loathe UKIP, its values, its motivations, its beliefs, its desires, its consequences. and hold it in utter contempt.

Finally, I would like to pin the blame for brexit on two people who, almost single-handedly, created the conditions for brexit to succeed:  Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. Well done. Nobody else could have done what you did. - Terry Field from Normandy, France

Comments as always welcome....


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