One of our regular columnists, David Lott, a founding member of the United Kingdom Independent Party, offers from Europe a reflection on the last few weeks in our conflicted world. He sees a shift in power occurring in the western world. -GNH
The Last Two Weeks – Where does one start?
by David Lott
Mass Islamic inspired
murder, attempted revolution in Turkey, Donald Trump’s nomination, collapse of
the Labour Party in UK along with a new Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary
and the first signs of betrayal of the Brexit vote.
Are all these linked – yes
of course they are. The one word that links them is migration in part due to
political Islamification.
Turkey will present a
massive headache to the West. Erdogan has responded to the attempted coup with
suspiciously precise identification and arrest or dismissal of 60,000 military,
academic, political and media personnel. He also blames the US for protecting
his public enemy No. 1. The man seems to be following the Hitler route to
absolute power. Perhaps he may move to genocide of the Kurds in the same mode
as Hitler with the Jews. There is no doubt we have another rabid Islamic state
in our midst, and the Mosques in Turkey have grown ever more powerful. What will
happen now? I have no idea other than it will be bad, and a lot of Turks will
head to the EU.
Events are now dictating
activity rather than policy dictating events. The surge of Trump given some
impetus from Brexit and the terrible events in France are presenting ordinary
people, now living with increasing fear, with a massive democratic mandate, and
for once they seem to be seizing the chance to influence the way in which they
are represented. I deliberately avoided the word ruled as that is the perceived
remit of the establishment..
This flexing of previously
unused power has led to panic within the ranks of the entitled in the US,
Germany, France and the Leadership of the EU itself. In the UK, however, the
first signs of an Establishment fight back against Brexit are emerging with
what is looking like a fudged approach to our relationship with the EU, where
we should continue to pay in and continue to be subject to its authority. The
peoples's genie is, however, out of the bottle.
Preparations are complete for the creation of
a new political Direct Democracy Party using The UK Independence Party together
with the campaign team and its massive social and internet media
presence as its basis and quite independent of traditional media outlets. This
group can reach the 17.4 million voters who voted to leave the EU just as the
Labour Party collapses and there is a growing realisation amongst rank and file
Tory members that they are at the point of betrayal. Maybe it will not be
necessary to activate this force if the Establishment realises its precarious
position. It is more likely that it will not and at the next election the face
of politics in the UK will change dramatically in favour of the people.
All over the West people
power is surging, we saw it at the Republican Congress and we shall see it at
the re-run of the presidential election in Austria, due to a corrupt count in
favour of the Green Party candidate, who was elected. Also in September Hungary
holds a referendum on the question of migration. No doubt with the sheer pace
of events more tests for Establishments across Europe will emerge.
In the US you have your own
staggering and vastly consequential election. It will be bitterly and cruelly
fought. Glenn sent me a link to a Washington Post article that was at red hot
panic stations and just as happened during our own Brexit debate, the media
went for the individual rather than the policy. The EU media offensive is good
at that too.
I cannot predict the final
shape of things. I would like it to be a major shift of power to the people,
with their representatives once again becoming their servants rather than their
masters. I do know the struggle will be titanic and at the moment democratic
and surely that must be healthy.
Prime Minister Harold
Macmillan at the end of the 1950s said, “Events dear boy events, it is all
about events.” That too was the approach taken by the Russian Commander in
Chief during the retreat to Moscow in the face of Napoleon’s superior forces
although he called it patience.
Who knows what new events
we will face in the next months. Dramatic days indeed.
Comments anyone?
A small observation. The inference of a popular juggxrnaught is at odds with the numbers. 52% compared to 48% is marginal, albeit with a huge turnout. I rather resent the suggestion that people who wish to remain in the EU care less for their country, have less integrity, are slighter moral forces, or are deficient in their thinking and values when compared to the people who chose to leave the EU. I am pleased the representative government is exercising the powers our established constitution gives it.