David Lott has written with lucid candor and anxiety in this blog before. He is a great patriot of his nation and a founding member of the United Kingdom Independent Party. His father lost an eye in the 1940 Battle of Britain as a fighter pilot against Hitler's Nazis. David, a retired airline pilot, served many years himself with the Royal Air Force during the Cold War.
The referendum in the U.K. will be held on June 23, 2016 to decide if the country will remain in the European Union. Some argue Europe will become more unsafe with an exit by the U.K. and that the E.U. could disintegrate. These are David's observations on the history of the Middle East and on going threats to France and the U.K. - GNH
Well done Glenn; you seem to be stirring up a hornet's nest!
Right, David's garden in Normandy, France, a paradise of flowers.
Since I last wrote the polls are now moving in the direction of Brexit and this after Obama's highly publicised 'decisive' intervention and all the data published by various learned bodies warning of dire consequences for the British people and the world as a whole if the UK were to leave the EU. These bodies are the same that advised us to join the Euro with similar warnings of gloom and doom if we were not to do so.
It seems, just as in the US, that the ordinary people, who form the backbone of society, have finally have had enough of PR, propaganda, smoke and mirrors or whatever you wish to call it and now see with 20:20 vision that the emperor has no clothes.
On the question of the British nation and its peoples' security can I expand a little because it will set the scene for the truly gigantic upheaval of vast numbers in the Middle East and Africa. There are two issues here and they are closely connected: immigration and national security.
Since the mid 1950s when the US intervened on the side of Egypt during the Suez crisis with the UK and France, the owners of the canal, on the other side, foreign policy has been hopelessly mismanaged. The Shah was forced upon Iran with disastrous consequences that led to the rise of fanatical Islamic mullahs. Intervention after intervention based upon false premises stirred the pot to boiling point. President George Bush Senior got it right when he stopped at Iraq's borders. He is the only one so far who has. Please understand that I am not criticising just the US as Britain and France have also got it spectacularly wrong.
The people of the Middle East and the Sahara are a fiercely tribal group. Life in these arid areas is harsh and has been for thousands of years. Each tribe jealously guarded its meagre assets as they were essential to its survival be it a waterhole or a wadi that once a year rains would provide fodder for man and beast. These conditions fashioned their character. Life was cruel so they became cruel and regularly raided their neighbours for food and womenfolk. The one thing that knit them in any sort of togetherness was Islam. Then along came great wealth in the form of oil. Lawrence of Arabia's used Islam and the King of Saudi Arabia as the direct descendent of the Prophet, to knit his marauding force together against the Ottoman Empire.
The Mullahs of Iran, despots of Iraq, Libya and Syria as well as the Royal Families of the Gulf States, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait rule ruthlessly using Islam as the glue. The US, France, UK and other NATO countries decided to 'help' change that situation selectively.
I would argue that the ousting of the Iraqi and Libyan leaders smashed the autocratic balance of power and plunged the whole region into chaos. Removing Assad will add to that. Britain has much blood upon its hands in Libya and more recently Yemen. There to condone Saudi Arabia's illegal attack upon the Houthis causing mass casualties and starvation whilst our arms industry prospered.
What a mess. We even support Turkey who have taken IS produced oil, paid for it with weapons and food to sustain IS in its efforts to wipe out the Kurds in Iraq and Syria. This is the same Turkey with whom Mrs Merkel does business.
We have brought this situation about and our politicians are trapped within the web created by their misbegotten deeds and have to defend their actions by encouraging the biblical mass of displaced millions of people to cross the Mediterranean and Aegean seas where thousands drown. Within them top security agencies report there are 5000 Jihadis. We in the EU are in very serious danger indeed.
Mr Trump said Germany has been ruined by mass migration already. It may be true and by the end of this summer we shall know if Italy has suffered the same fate along with Greece.
Austria is sealing off its country and Hungary the same. In Sweden a mass crime wave is expected this summer. In Germany dreadful sexual violence has happened with much of it hidden from view by the police. In France and Belgium terrorists have been hard at work. Today in Belgium every citizen is being issued with an Iodine pack in case of a dirty nuclear attack.
We in Britain can defend our culture and our people if we act in time and to do so we simply have to leave the EU in order to protect ourselves. This question of safety transcends any other consideration.
We are an Island and it can be done but only if we have the will.
We do have a responsibility to the benighted refugees, not the migrants, as we along with you in the States are responsible for the current frightening crisis. No, it has not been caused by the desertification of the Middle East but by the appalling mismanagement of foreign policy.
Huge pressure should now be placed upon the rich states of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and the other Gulf States to take in refugees. A massive fund will be required with those states committing the lion's share share but also ourselves, the US and EU countries as well in order to provide camps and food and ultimately rebuild the ruined countries. But first it will be necessary to annihilate IS wherever it raises its head.
Below, sharing lunch and French wine in Bayeux, France. Left to right, Barbara Holliman, Terry Field and David Lott.
Leaving the EU is just a beginning. Our future will depend upon what our politicians do with our new found freedom and that battle will only begin once we vote to leave on 23rd June.
One last word - Have investors thought of what the EU Tobin Tax (See the 5 Presidents Report) will do to income from investments when it is implemented shortly in order to provide income to fund EU integration. London outside the EU will attract an enormous amount to business from Frankfurt along with the New York and Hong Kong stock exchanges thanks to the EU imposition of this tax? Just a thought. - David Lott
David Lott emailed the following disturbing note on 19 May 2016 - It has long been the right of every freeborn British person to grumble about our leaders and rulers, our managers and others 'in authority over us'. We call it "freedom of speech". On May 6th the EU removed that right, not that many would know it from the silence in much of the media (source:Daily Telegraph). The European Court of Justice ruled that the right to complain about, or otherwise point out, the failings or wrongdoings of the EU Commission is illegal and gave the Commission the right to legally punish "individuals who damage the institution's image and reputation". Interestingly, from an historic viewpoint, almost the same words were used in the Enabling Act of 1933 which allowed the German government to "abolish civil liberties" including rights of free speech which were not restored in that country until 1945. Don't take my word for it; the complete transcript of the Act in both German and English is available on line. Yet another reason to vote Leave on June 23rd From Terry Field - Glenn, David,
This is another depressing reality of the hook the British worm squirms on. I do not see that Britain will be more free if it leaves, I wish I did. The condition of modern Britain is itself much closer than National `socialist Germany in very many aspects than that of a free country full of truly free individuals.
Obviously the EU is an antidemocratic, German controlled, pan-Frankish horror. I still consider that leaving will make it more dangerous, more toxic, more threatening - I think.
This is a new dark age. David is hopeful. I am not. That is the difference between us.
I do not feel more safe in England than I do in France. Were I to wish to take my life in my hands, I would spend a little time in Luton, Bradford, Birmingham.
ReplyDeleteI am confident that there is no increase in terror threat by remaining or leaving - since intelligence agencies only share with partners they trust. Nobody trusts the Belgians. Nobody trusts the Hungarians, etc.
I know that the information flow to stop people with visas from a post brevet Europe will be no greater than the visa free visitor from Europe under current conditions.
A more serious threat is the reduced availability of good quality confectionary should Britain face a patisserie trade embargo as a response to brexit.
The IMF has highlighted this threat only today.