Thursday, April 15, 2021

The Passing of Prince Phillip


Thoughts on Prince Phillip by Terry Field

The announcement of the death of HRH the Prince Philip is, for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, a more significant event than even the total televisual coverage of the death suggests. Instability threatens the State once again. Britain is returning to its condition of searching for both relevance opportunity and place following the surprise of leaving the European Union.  This tears the countries away from the settled condition they previously enjoyed with explosive political results.  This is in contrast to the reinforcing effect of war against the Axis powers, when in such circumstances, security for society relied on the reinforcement of social structures that have endured and buried into the social memories of modern time. 

Such may not be so important for societies formed in times of almost living memory, or perhaps in times when the structures that made them were formed by the light of Enlightenment rationality. In Britain's constituent ancient cultures, when unknowable futures generated fear and concern, the people instinctively gathered a little more tightly around the safety of immovable and revered hierarchy. 

Since this is core to British self-awareness, and perhaps to social stability, the quality of the Head of State and Consort becomes of immense importance. 

In the long years of my life, my country has altered from functioning largely as a monoculture in its home islands, but with a vision of life that stretched with familiarity across an Empire of such integrated scale and aspirational zeal not seen since the Rome of the Antonines.  It is now a society in terms of both race and culture that fully replicates the magnificence of the variety found within the confines of the Empire, but a bit 'in miniature' and compressed onto a tiny land mass. In all this, and with all that such re-formation brought, the subjects still perceived his or her place as securely set within the gaze of the continuing Queen and Consort. 

For me, and for many, remote by virtue of my insignificance from the Ikons of the State, this fixity defined an element of my being. Just as I am forced to be a Christian since I was shown Christ as a child, and however I may consider atheism, I am unable to abandon the religious persona I was offered to love when very young and unformed.  So the citizen is forced to face the quality of the Queen and Philip with revered respect, knowing their value and cultural immensity, quite irrespective of whether one may or may not have chosen to prefer republican ideals. No citizen of any republic will be able to understand this.

The media reflects this today, with kind comments even in radical publications.

Thus, for Britain, in like manner for Japan, the people form themselves by reference to the undying rock of the continuing hereditary monarchy, now shorn of its status touched directly by God. 

Philip is the first of the two great national parents to die. His death happens after such a long time that none can recall Britain without him. When the Queen passes, then a new and perhaps more fragile monarchy will need to act as the support and guide to a state so relatively tiny, vulnerable and dependent upon a single great ally in the west, itself an aggressively republican society. 

In this new, stripped down condition, shorn of the romantic indulgence of association with an immense past, that  searching-back for a circumstance that reflects the new 'now' will be unavoidable. As Elizabeth became the inheritor of Gloriana, our first Elizabeth, so Charles will become a King in circumstances more like that experienced by George the Third, after the loss of American colonies, or even Henry the Seventh, then with European powers far greater in wealth and resources than England could afford. 

Philip and Elizabeth are the couple connected directly to  Empire and to war. That reinforced concrete crumbles with his, and finally with her death, when that occurs, long may it be deferred. 

Afterwards, respect will be more conditional. To survive such, and to more probably guarantee continuity, there will need to be, in my view, in Britain, a closer replication of the Japanese relationship with the nation. KIndly, unspeaking, remote, where the people see the Royal Family as the incarnation of the life of the nation, and where all political activity happens at a functional level. Political and social tensions need to be very far removed from, and not touching, the family Ikon, that continues irrespective of the conditions seen in the state. That means the informality introduced by Philip may not be able to continue.

His life allowed us to feel close to the monarchy, to pretend all was not lost. With their passing, the true extent of the reduced and transformed state will be clear and  obvious. That spells danger. 

If one is poor but part of a tightly formed national family, survival may be less uncomfortable.
Now a personal word. As an old retired Englishman, living abroad, with most family now dead, I am unusually saddened by the loss of another figure of agreeable and kindly familiarity.

The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.   Rest in Peace. 

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Economics, Ecology, Climate and Confusion

 By Terry Field

With the change in regime in Washington, a dam has broken concerning climate change. The scientific and eco-marketing community have become a little more emboldened, and there is more assertion in public concerning a reality that may overtake human and non-human life. In addition, there is a new dawning awareness by some in the chatterati that not only are these accelerating climate changes becoming ever-more difficult to cope with, but that there may be an unavoidable end point that is incompatible with advanced much remaining mammalian and other advanced life on earth. Quite clearly, were such to be experienced, would exclude any future for human life in any sort of scale at all.

I heard Secretary Kerry suggest that there may not be time to do anything meaningful. Such public utterance from the near – top of government of the United States is unprecedented. He is clearly listening to the real, not the politically moderated science coming out of the UN IPCC information washing-machine.

The realities have been well reported by serious science for well over twenty years, and in the last decade, a sea of ever-more alarming data and conclusions has emerged from the universities and institutes of the world.

The sum of the research is portentous, dreadful. A few of the realities can be described in the following, but there is much more, and none of it even slightly good:

1. Some of the many positive feed backs that accelerate and intensify the changes are triggered now and cannot be reversed.

2 Some feed-back loops have not been fully triggered, and if they are then very rapid severe climate change will entirely destroy human civilisation, by way of starvation and crop failure on a global scale, along with any form of order and much advanced life as the planet becomes rapidly desert with far less vegetation coverage.

3 Species collapse accelerates as species interdependence condemns total loss of large groups if mutually supporting species of even small numbers are removed from the system.

4 There is very little ‘biomass’ left that is not agriculture. There is very little mammalian life left now when compared to 100 years ago, and of that, what is left is in large measure domesticated for human farming usage. Genetic variation is greatly reduced, nearly everywhere.

5. It is probable that, for much of the effect, there is a 50 year lag between greenhouse gas emissions and the effect felt in atmosphere. Not 10 years as the IPCC suggests. 

6. The September arctic will be ice free in 2-3 years, not in 70 years from now as per the IPCC. This adds 25-30 years of COP2 emissions in its effect on climate change.

7.  Methane release is rapidly accelerating, may pause and cause super rapid heating. NOT modelled by the IPCC.

8. It is not enough even to entirely cease CO2 output to avoid catastrophic decline in livable condition across the planet. CO2 needs to be abstracted, in vast quantities, from atmosphere.

9.   As of today, we are 1.56 degrees C above preindustrial temperatures defined properly as 1750, and as it WAS before the IPCC cynically moved the date to a pre-industrial of 1900! Since when was 1900 pre-industrial?!? El Nino alone will make that + 1.85 in three or so years. SO much for the nonsense coming from the UN climate politics department UN of saying that below 1.5 C is the objective for 2100. Marketing liars do not change physical reality.

10. None of the above is yet known in general human society. Populations simply have no idea, or where there is some dim knowledge, are taught it is nonsense, or behave to pretend continuity is possible. The nine points above are the tip of the informational iceberg, all of which reinforces the central message. The hydrocarbon mass-human population society is not viable as it is, and one way or other will be greatly reduced in total scale, or functionally removed, and in relatively short order.

I cannot be bothered to discuss if this general ‘scene’ is ‘true’, and anyone who wants to do so must find another ear to listen to them. For me, the issues are simple. IF, and that is now not at all certain, this horror can be diminished to allow us to live reduced lives with reduced numbers, what must be done? Not what can be done in conventional terms, not what do we feel like doing, not what our third-rate, ecologically illiterate left / right political divisions can imagine our doing. Simply, what MUST be done to survive at all.

That is easy to state. Here are some of the bullet points. Execution details are irrelevant here; they are for the groups able to plan and perform.

- Cease all military production and activity. In every country. Immediately. Transfer the effort and the resources to carbon capture and storage. Carbon dioxide and methane needs to be removed from atmosphere. That vast industrial enterprise needs to be commenced NOW. Today. At the time of writing. ALL nations need to disarm rapidly totally permanently. That 7,000 year old cycle of self-abuse needs to end NOW. All essentially ‘tribal’ foreign policy matters tending to disagreement need to be dealt with, and ALL societies need to remove conflicting claims on all matters that generate disagreement. That is a luxury that will rapidly kill us all if we do not stop NOW and re-direct our fast-diminishing available resources.

 - Offer science and the best scientists the globe can provide control of event planning, needed resource allocation and direction of action. To do this all political systems will have to surrender dangerous bigotries of politically blinkered people, found in every parochial society in every country on earth, be they ‘right wing, left wing, ‘greens’, Greenpeace, and all other flavours of local bigotry born of ignorance. Even with this, to achieve anything concerning mitigating climate catastrophe, the clear objectives need to be agreed. If it is to re-establish and maintain, for instance, CO2 levels at 280 ppm, then ALL nation states of significance on earth must explicitly state their agreement with this. They should also agree a time frame. Which in present circumstances needs to be decades not hundreds of years. No objective, no agreement, no directing science, no success. The result. Mass death in a few decades. Or earlier.

Details are not for here. The actions needed will themselves remove the possibility of democratic social order, will directly result in enormous numbers of human dead, but that is now unavoidable. It is the lesser of the two evils. The intention should be simply to allow the human and other equally important species to survive in a world we recognise. All governments will need to direct and control societies as they quickly diminish in numbers in dreadful circumstances. To pretend otherwise, to suggest all can be done in steady-state human populations is simply to lie. To self-delude.

Where are we now? How big the gap?

IN all societies there is the assertion slight changes can ‘do the trick’. That is a simple lie.

Slight change condemns our living offspring to early death. Starvation, war, collapse, cannibalistic societies, mass slaughter all will roll across the globe in a totally uncontrolled, unmanageable way if the present ideas of current politicians prevail. An illustration. Biden has Kerry saying it may be too late to act. That same administration, however, spends, today, 2 trillion dollars making Americans able to buy MORE, to survive in immense comfort BETTER, to BEAT COVID (John Wayne like), to RECOVER PROSPERITY.

That is a knife in the guts of even denting climate change. Since these aided Americans will spend and not save their Bidenloot, the effect on the climate is Worse than giving 2 trillions to 10 multi billionaires, since they would simply save, reserve, park the asset, and not consume more goods directly.  After all, how many yachts, aircraft and private islands does a fellow need? Once they are acquired, the palate becomes jaded. The idea that social equality and the removal of global poverty reduces the risk of severe climate change is a nice conceit, but in reality, is it fantasy. Adding low-level primitive consumer power to five or more billion previously marginal-living people does nothing to preserve any part of the biosphere. Overlaying political and social preferences on climate physics is a bizarre form of self-delusion. Despite the chorus of cries to the contrary.

That most readers will laugh at these last few sentences should cause them to pause, to think and to reflect. Their laughter simply confirms that local political deeply held preferences, relevant to steady state societies in comfortable unthreatened times. That is far from the case now. Social preferences are a deep impediment to rational thinking when it comes to thinking about climate problem.

As for the Biden stimulus, well, in terms only of climate change and confronting it, it really is entertainment for people who live their lives without reflection.

And what is nice Mr Biden also doing?  He is also creating hypersonic missiles, vast space war systems, vast naval weapons platforms, millions of battlefield drones, robot-soldiers, the list goes on and on. It is all simply more of the same. SO stopping the military machines today? What chance? You can work that one out.

I hear central bank governors saying an ‘electrified world’ is the answer. People will be consuming 1/8th the carbon of their ancestors.

Maybe fifty years ago I would have worked. Now? Well, they are amusing, and should perhaps be on the stage. Where will the gigantic tonnage of burnt energy needed to construct such a vast universal electrified world in all continents go as it is burned? Into the atmosphere! Into the seas!  Complete fantasy, pretending physics does not exist.  Mr. Carney (then Bank of England governor) said this and did not deny his probable move from Bank governor to politician. So he invents a palatable fanciful scenario that may also propel his career. Yet this is the best our hopeless ‘leadership’ can manage!

Even with his obviously political positioning, this ex-global banker is ahead of nearly ALL others now in power! AT least he began with a narrative that there is a dire problem. He just flunked everything after that.

The choices will be simple. Change and reduce our scale, our numbers, our total damage to the earth before catastrophe is clearly here. That means doing it now. Not tomorrow. Or wait, then watch the wave of horror overtake us with, then, no prospect of affecting the outcome. 

From what I know, I think we are well beyond the point where we can slow the change to a decertified, hot-state world. A world that will remain like that for hundreds of thousands of years. Where the cycle of the ice ages is removed and deferred. Where desertification is the face of the earth save for thin bands of reduced vegetation in the two tropics, and at the poles.

Unfortunately, now, every single politician possessed of real power spends ALL his or her time working to actively avoid anything that must be done, indeed what HAS to be done in order to give us and all other life a slightly greater chance of surviving and reproducing into the future.


I end, therefore, with a repetition. To slow or stop this global mass death of plants, insects, mammals, and other life, we need to see our numbers and our economic activity rapidly plummet. By billions of people. Yet at the time we add one billion mouths every 15 years. We try to reverse course, our effort should be to create technology for sucking vast quantities of greenhouse gas from atmosphere. Democracy, floating on the final century of excess, is done. It cannot begin to survive what is to come, even in the next quarter of a century, nor should it. Details of how to try to save complex life are for the best, the brightest, and future autocratic brutal coercive governments single function is to support the scientists and engineers  and to protect them as they battle against probability to try to succeed. Just as the brute power of Napoleon entrenched the feeble French revolution, so brute power is needed now to facilitate the heroes of the day – scientists – engineers, as they are finally allowed to do what MUST be done.

Or our grandchildren and perhaps great grandchildren will die in unimaginable horror.


Terry, France, Ventose, 2021