Friday, July 26, 2019

Teresa May Steps Down

by Glenn N. Holliman

This afternoon I received the following email from a leading member of the legal profession in Pennsylvania.  I wonder if some of you all are having the same or differing thoughts than Dan? - GNH

Glenn,  Today  on CSPAN I stumbled across Theresa May's last Prime Minister's Questioning session in Parliament on Wednesday.   I got to see the last 30 minutes and the entire 30 minutes almost made me cry.  

Here was a woman whose civility, honesty, decency, compassion and knowledge of the details of government were obvious to all (except the front bench of the Labor Party who did not ask any questions and who did not rise to give her a standing ovation at the end).  Theresa May was praised by the speakers from all the various parties and it was obvious that she is greatly respected for her human qualities.  

I suppose historians will rate her as a less than average Prime Minister, but the affection in Parliament for her today should be emphasized, particularly at a time when such qualities in political leaders are in very, very short supply.      

It is so sad that the two leading English-speaking nations in the world  have political leaders who display none of Theresa May's human qualities and will be perceived by historians as con men devoid of any principles and as clowns and buffoons.

Feel free to transmit these sentiments to Terry and all your friends in Europe. - Dan whose picture is above


From a Ph.D. in clinical psychology in Tennessee: 

"The Economist months ago made the best commentary in its indirect, snarky way when it mentioned surprise May was managing to stay afloat and then added parenthetically, "although wooden objects tend to do that."

From a businessman and political observer in Jerusalem:

"What is the alternative? It seems that there were 2 choices and the lesser of 2 evils was chosen through 
political maneuvering. The deeper question is how and why Britain, the home of civil people got to this point
 with 2 such people at the top. 

The next question is whether we need street fighters today to counter the sophisticated street fighters 
who are leading those nation's trying to attack the civilized world. Can civil leaders do the job today?"

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Terry Field in his Garden

Becoming Unhinged 
by Terry Field in France ruminating in his garden

Watching Britain change from afar is an unpleasant experience. It is hard to watch the failure of the political structures to both represent and be themselves modified in order to reflect the needs and expectations of the society. 

A prime minister will be elected by about 160,000 members of the Conservative Party to, by all accounts, remove Britain from the European Union with no agreed treaty, thus removing the country from all its global trade agreements, and disconnecting it from, quite literally, thousands of legal structures that support and facilitate all the international and many internal national functions and actions on which the population depends.

In addition, even at this stage after three years of social psychosis and ineffective government, the poor of the country have become relatively and absolutely poorer to a degree not seen in the last 58 years of recorded data.

In my last blog, I referred to the potency of the fascistic method, defining it quite closely. I consider present events to be a full justification of my suggestion that it is the dominant political method and force found in present politics inn Britain.

I repeat my warning made some time ago. States can and do fail, and from that failure, recovery in the current global condition may become not possible. I consider that Britain is in real danger of experiencing this dreadful reality. The mania that drives this isolated and deluded lunacy will dissipate when catastrophic failure results. But recovery will then be extremely difficult. NO rational, skilled informed person possessed of real knowledge that I know of, and I seek for one with zeal, feels that what Britain is doing is other than deranged.

Racism is tiresome and infantile. But so is the cult of the false victim.

Many of us have watched the appearance of the small number of new, radical, very culturally and socially challenging members of the House of Representatives with amusement as foreigners, and with stressed concern of one is an American citizen. It has been interesting to see persons described as ‘black’ or ‘of colour’ ‘beating up’ their democratic party ‘colleagues’ for not being sufficiently ‘supportive’ of their needs. It has been a curiosity to see some large numbers of Americans on the ‘left’ of their local politics demanding vast ‘reparations’ for damage done to them over and since the period of slavery. 

Watching a woman try to demolish the quite harmless Mr. Biden for not fully and supporting the attack on local state senators when she considered he should have done so raises the question in the mind of this, and I suspect very many observing foreigners.   ‘Why and when did this hysterical rage and sense of unsatisfied entitlement appear when there was no such sense expressed in prior generations, during the time when injustice was, by any measure, far more severe and painful than it is now?’ Adults never used to behave like this. But where are adults now?

This writer suggests it is a false mania, a false rage, an inauthentic sense of victim hood. It seems to be all of a piece with the free untrammeled ability of people in the Anglo-Saxon world to express personal pain simply because the social mores make such personal expression permissible.  Excess personal liberty born of the particular socio-economic cultural and economic circumstances has fed into, and been amplified by, the poison of universal social media. The collapse of work and its replacement by work-posture behavior adds to the sense of personal free choice and isolation from consequences. All this feeds the personal Ego, and infects it with a mania of unhappy isolated grievance.

In such a condition, and where political responses to new socio-economic states have in the past taken a century to develop (an example, industrialization began around the start of the 19th century, but the Labour Party only appeared as a political force in England in the early 20th century) one can only conclude that the claims of oppression, of ‘racesim’, or any other silly ‘ism’ and all the other white noise of enraged accusation is simply displacement for the real problem. 

The problem that the physical and cultural condition of the old advanced world has changed out of recognition, together with the shattered environment, but whose political and social ideas of how to live are redundant and irrelevant.

In a world where AI removes all work after the coming fifty years, referring to socialism, Marx, Das Capital and Engels is a little like an engineer referring to the wooded wagon wheel as a solution to linear induction train systems.

We are like children in a playing ground. We do silly things, of no worth, and why? Because outside the wire fence of the playing field the real world of which we seem to no nothing at all is racing ahead.

I am living in a time of social infantilism. With men largely de-sexed and emasculated, whilst in much of the West, a good proportion of them, in some countries almost half of them are infertile, and women are behaving with such detached pain and silliness  as to make one weep.

And all the time climate change offers a now unavoidable and very rapid return of ages when we had no means of surviving at all.

Vote Democrat; Vote Republican. Vote Labour; vote Tory, Vote Le Pen; vote En Marche.

With 76% of global insect life gone in less than 40 years, a blink of the eye, and reducing by 2.5% PER YEAR – who the bloody hell cares!!???

Friday, July 12, 2019

The British Ambassador Resigns

By Glenn N. Holliman

David Collingwood, British educator and keen observer of the human race, emailed the following from his holiday villa in southern France with permission to post  

"If you feel that you’d like to publish this, you have my full authority.  Here, in la Vaucluse, it is a comfortable 30 degrees Celsius: I write in the shade of olive trees at the table in our Provençal garden; ahead is the unmistakeable outline of Mont Ventoux; around, thousands of cicada chirrup merrily; above is the cornflower-blue sky beloved of Cézanne; and by my right arm is a glass of chilled rosé. What could be better? No wonder I wax lyrical today.  Warmest good wishes and bisous." - David

The high profile story here, as, one would hope it is over there, is the maliciously-leaked (confidential) correspondence of Kim Darroch, the British Ambassador to the USA.

Left, David, wordsmith and 
intellectual of the Midlands, shares an insight.

He did what all ambassadors do: he assessed state and actions of foreign governments and advised his government accordingly. As an ambassador quite rightly expects his correspondence with his government to be confidential, he must be blunt and honest, rather than diplomatic.

Right, Ambassador Kim Darroch. 

That a potential British Prime Minister - Boris Johnson - would refuse to give his full support to a British ambassador, beggars belief. 

Right, the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson?

That a nation’s leader - President Trump - would lower himself by resorting to social media to question the judgement of any ambassador is shocking. 

No gentleman would admit to reading another’s correspondence: he would distance himself from such behaviour. Thus, the best, and correct, response to Sir Kim’s (leaked) reports would have been not to respond at all. The alternative would have been for Mr Trump to have condemned the criminal and treacherous behaviour of the perpetrator of the leak.

Without naming specific prime ministers and presidents, I look back with nostalgia to times when the leaders of both our nations at least made a pretense of dignity and courtesy, behaving in a manner befitting their high office. - David Collingwood